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Me and my best friend have been friends for five years. I always kinda had a crush on her but I always ignored it believing that I was 100% straight and that it was just admiration or something. Well a little while ago she told me that she's bi and at the time I didn't think much about it but ever since she told me she is bi I find myself kinda showing off for her and flirting with her. I'm not sure if she feels the same way about me and I don't want to say something and then get rejected and have things be really awkward between us. What should I do?

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If she is attracted to you then she is probably having the same doubts as you are. I recommend continued flirting but also making sure you are doing friend type things as well...just as you were before. This may reassure her that the friendship would continue regardless.

You could possibly bring up a hypothetical type question "I was reading this article about two friends who connected" etc etc and gauge her reaction to what you are saying.


You certainly don't want to lose a friendship over this, but at the same time you don't want to miss an opp at bliss either. Tread carefully (as you are)

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well here is how I started my relationship with my best friend....I knew I had a crush on her, I use to see her all the time at work (thats where we met) and actually I was in school (college) when she was at home one day and I texted her saying "this girl I know in my class wants to hook up with me" (which was totally a lie) there was no one in my class I even knew


Well then thats what opened our conversation of trying it and we ended up trying it together....we both loved it and we have been together ever since...oh and it was both of our first time.

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