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A Couple Woman-Friendly Positions


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So many women realize they can't achieve orgasm from regular vaginal intercourse and wonder what's wrong with them, if maybe they are 'broken', or other such nonsense. The fact is, the MAJORITY of women cannot orgasm through vaginal stimulation alone. I can't remember the statistic off the top of my head, but I believe it was something like 75 or 80%.


Now, that is not to say you can't orgasm during intercourse, you are just going to need clitoral stimulation as well. If you feel comfortable doing this yourself, then almost any position will work for you, however, some women would rather not do this, as they feel it takes something away from the mutual aspect of sex. For them, they need a position in which the man can stimulate them for a prolonged period of time.


If the woman is fairly light and/or acrobatic, a great position is with the man lying on his back, and the woman lying on top, facing up. This position gives easy access for the man to manually stimulate the woman's clit, and the position can even help the man last longer. If its uncomfortable for the woman to lay on the man like that (ALL her weight is basically on his chest & stomach), use pillows and angle slightly off at the chest area.


Another position I'd like to mention has nothing to do with clitoral stimulation, but I think women really enjoy it nonetheless. The man sits on a bed, cross legged, and the woman sits on him, facing him, with her legs crossed behind him. Penetration is very deep, but movement is limited to small gyrations. This position is all about passion and closeness, as the bodies are very intertwined, perfect for kissing and caressing. The limited movement helps guys last a long time, while the kissing keeps most guys highly aroused. If you find your legs aren't comfortable, maybe due to limited flexibility, using an armless chair works for this too.


Anyone have any other suggestions? And no, the "helicoptor" is not a good position.. TRUST ME! (damn you kama sutra.. you nearly broke my penis!)



EDIT: LA Times article: link removed

Preliminary work has revealed that only about 7% of women always have orgasms with sex alone, he says, while 27% say they never do.
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That's not true. Many women can orgasm through intercourse alone. They just have to have a man who knows how to stimulate their G-spot and how to warm them up.

why can't my husband or me every find my G-spot??? I find something that makes me wanna pee all the time. is that it?

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why can't my husband or me every find my G-spot??? I find something that makes me wanna pee all the time. is that it?


yes, the 'feeling the need to pee' sensation is what you will feel during a g spot 'O'. I always empty my bladder before hand just to make sure LOL


Try finding it on your own the first few times, then you will be able to know the feeling when he hits it. Most of my experience (sadly) has be solo, but very satisfying. The last man I was with found it orally and I was quite surprised.. he was the first partner to get me to the point of female ejaculation. The g spot orgasm is very intense and very sustaining and don't be surprised if you feel very light headed when it happens - not sure if that happens to everyone, but I almost feel like I'm going to pass out, but I never have.

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That's not true. Many women can orgasm through intercourse alone. They just have to have a man who knows how to stimulate their G-spot and how to warm them up.


I sooo totally agree... and the man that can rub the clit with his penis during intercourse will have much success.... that is something men should attempt and in my opinion - master. And remember, most of us ladies need foreplay... and I think this includes giving us time to think about it. So if you want to have a hot night, contact your lady during the day and let her know how much you want her, maybe give her a little dirty talk, if she likes that...then she will be thinking about you all day and be mentally ready for you at the right time. This works for me.

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yes, the 'feeling the need to pee' sensation is what you will feel during a g spot 'O'. I always empty my bladder before hand just to make sure LOL


Try finding it on your own the first few times, then you will be able to know the feeling when he hits it. Most of my experience (sadly) has be solo, but very satisfying. The last man I was with found it orally and I was quite surprised.. he was the first partner to get me to the point of female ejaculation. The g spot orgasm is very intense and very sustaining and don't be surprised if you feel very light headed when it happens - not sure if that happens to everyone, but I almost feel like I'm going to pass out, but I never have.

I feel like I have to pee but I always stop him! I pee before but I also pee after, so I'm always scared I'll pee during....could that happen??

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I really don't know if it 'could' happen... I have not actually pee'd and the feeling is not like peeing, there is a feeling of physcial release. Just relax and let it go and I think you will feel the difference.


I know the first few times I was relunctant to let it go, but once I did, I realized the difference in how it feels coming out. Don't think you have to 'squirt' I have more of a gush, but it's noticeable. And the guy I was with was totally turned on by it.

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I really don't know if it 'could' happen... I have not actually pee'd and the feeling is not like peeing, there is a feeling of physcial release. Just relax and let it go and I think you will feel the difference.


I know the first few times I was relunctant to let it go, but once I did, I realized the difference in how it feels coming out. Don't think you have to 'squirt' I have more of a gush, but it's noticeable. And the guy I was with was totally turned on by it.

hmmm...I hope it's my G-spot. I always thought he was just hitting my bladder.

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I feel like I have to pee but I always stop him! I pee before but I also pee after, so I'm always scared I'll pee during....could that happen??


No. You can't pee while you're horny. This is why men have 'morning wood'. Their bodies made them horny during the night to keep them from peeing in their sleep. Same happens to girls as well, but it's not so obvious.

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I think physiologically, he can't actually hit the bladder, even if he's extra long, there is a limit of how far he can get in.


I think you should relax and let it go one time - it's difficult to put into words how great it feels. You probably should warn him if you think it's coming... just so he's not surprised, especially since you don't know the amount that will come out. For me, it's more pleasurable to ejaculate without my bob inside and I can go back in for more, like I said, it's very sustaining. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get there through intercourse, just oral and self pleasure.... but someday!

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No. You can't pee while you're horny. This is why men have 'morning wood'. Their bodies made them horny during the night to keep them from peeing in their sleep. Same happens to girls as well, but it's not so obvious.



I know that guys are not supposed to be able to pee during erections and ejaculations, like once he gets hard it shuts off the urethra, but I've never heard that about women - but it makes sense.

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I know that guys are not supposed to be able to pee during erections and ejaculations, like once he gets hard it shuts off the urethra, but I've never heard that about women - but it makes sense.


All the blood goes to that area and everything swells up so it compresses the urethra.

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That's not true. Many women can orgasm through intercourse alone. They just have to have a man who knows how to stimulate their G-spot and how to warm them up.


It's true.. but I can't start searching for studies to prove it at the moment since I'm at work.. but I'll do it tonight though. Until then, you can deduce it fairly easily by talking to men that have had multiple partners, some of which will orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone, but most can't.. that elimates any issue of the man simply not knowing technique.


The G-Spot is on the inside of a slight curved bump on the front wall of the vagina, about 1-1.5" in. For this reason, stimulation with a penis is dependant on not just position and angle, but shape of the penis. Not every guy can hit it, and not every woman likes the positions that is best for that (like woman lying on her back on a bed, man standing up at edge of the bed.. or missionary with pillows under the woman's bum). Plus a lot of men and women just don't know enough about anatomy, which is really unfortunate.


The last man I was with found it orally and I was quite surprised


I'm really confused by this. The G-Spot is just a bit too far in for most tongues to reach, although the shape of your vagina might allow it. Regardless though, G-Spot orgasms usually take a great deal of pressure.. for example, stimulating it with a curled finger (the most reliable way), is actually pretty exhausting on the hand and wrist. A man that can do that with a tongue must be doing daily work outs with it or something

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... The one from behind is intresting, is she just laying on top of him backwards??


Yes, basically. The man can do the thrusting, and the woman may want to put her arms up and push against the headboard (if on a bed) to counter his thrusts, otherwise, the angle of his thrusts will likely cause the woman to slide up his body and reduce penetration.


I started thinking about this, and realized that it might not work for everyone, depending on the shape of the vagina entrance (pelvic bone, etc), the woman's ability to arch her back, and the man's penis length.. it's possible that insufficient penetration will occur, but hopefully it works ok for the majority.

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I'm really confused by this. The G-Spot is just a bit too far in for most tongues to reach, although the shape of your vagina might allow it. Regardless though, G-Spot orgasms usually take a great deal of pressure.. for example, stimulating it with a curled finger (the most reliable way), is actually pretty exhausting on the hand and wrist. A man that can do that with a tongue must be doing daily work outs with it or something


I was very surprised myself, but the whole oral session lasted about 40 minutes, so that, to me, was impressive in itself. I know I can't go down on a guy continuosly for 40 minutes! I'm just considering myself lucky to have found someone who is that skilled at giving oral... lucky me! I've also found the more I have experimented with it, the easier it is to achieve. What used to take maybe 25 minutes, now takes about 10, at the most.

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That's not true. Many women can orgasm through intercourse alone. They just have to have a man who knows how to stimulate their G-spot and how to warm them up.


Sorry, I didn't realize I forgot to backup my statement with links until I cross-linked this thread. I've updated the OP with a link to the LA Times, and quoted it. Further, just do a google search for "orgasm from sex alone", and you will get pages of people asking why they can't orgasm from sex alone, and people/doctors/experts explaining that the majority of women cannot. My original statement is true, if not completely precise. It's an indisputable fact, please don't mislead people based on your personal experience alone.

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I think that's part of the problem the statement "from sex alone", people equate p in v sex as being sex, but everything else is still sex. How do you think lesbian couples have sex... doesn't it make you wonder why those stats don't include lesbian sex??? because women know that they need a lot more time and comfort to come, but what happens is if we are with someone that isn't giving us the proper time, we can't finish... plus, women don't expect to come really, and men don't always care if they do either, so there you go....

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that's part of the problem the statement "from sex alone", people equate p in v sex as being sex, but everything else is still sex. How do you think lesbian couples have sex...


hahahah many people think that lesbians can't have sex. I've heard several people tell me that. So my response alway is, "It must not be a sin then, since we can't have sex."

They usually quickly change their minds....

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Not everyone gets that "feeling to pee" from G-spot stimulation.


I get a feeling to pee from pressure against the bladder (and it's not very comfortable and definitely not sexual) but G-spot stimulation for me is 100% a sexual feeling with no "need-to-pee" feeling at all.


I guess it depends where your G-spot is. Women's cervixes are all over the place (and are different sizes) so there's probably variation in G-spots too. Some women complain that they can't find their G-spots, and some complain that they've lost them after hysterectomies so it may be that some women don't have them. If they don't, clitoral stimulation would be even more important.

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Sorry, I didn't realize I forgot to backup my statement with links until I cross-linked this thread. I've updated the OP with a link to the LA Times, and quoted it. Further, just do a google search for "orgasm from sex alone", and you will get pages of people asking why they can't orgasm from sex alone, and people/doctors/experts explaining that the majority of women cannot. My original statement is true, if not completely precise. It's an indisputable fact, please don't mislead people based on your personal experience alone.


The problem with this, is that it's all speculation. Not everyone have good sex, so not all of them will orgasm from intercourse only. They only say that it's normal, because there are so many reports of it not happening. Just because it's not happening, doesn't mean people are incapable. Logic fallacy.



I think everyone is CAPABLE, not all of us experience it.



Especially when they have debate whether or not it even exists, because it only appears when you're horny. Now, how do you know you're horny "enough" to get it happening? How do you measure this enough? Complicationn.

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Not everyone gets that "feeling to pee" from G-spot stimulation.


I get a feeling to pee from pressure against the bladder (and it's not very comfortable and definitely not sexual) but G-spot stimulation for me is 100% a sexual feeling with no "need-to-pee" feeling at all.


I guess it depends where your G-spot is. Women's cervixes are all over the place (and are different sizes) so there's probably variation in G-spots too. Some women complain that they can't find their G-spots, and some complain that they've lost them after hysterectomies so it may be that some women don't have them. If they don't, clitoral stimulation would be even more important.


Ya, for sure. At first, I thought feeling to pee was me being close to orgasm but it wasn't. I just had a full bladder!


I've had G-spot orgasms and it's nice, not intense but def no pee feeling.

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