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Freaking out.. help immediately


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Okay! I have a quick question for you all. Before all of you begin to scold me for having unprotected sex, let me explain the situation. My gf is very tight, and we were just fooling around and I went inside her for like 2 seconds. I'm not even sure that I went inside her. We stopped attempting to have sex after that, and instead we've been doing other things. I didn't cum inside her or anything, but I urged her to take the Morning After Pill, Plan B, despite that fact. Anyway, the way my girlfriend explained it to me was that your period is suppost to come a week earlier than normal when you take this pill, and if that's true it should have come already, and it hasn't. Can somebody explain to me if this is correct, or what's going on? Thanks!

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It could be false alarm, I had that happen

to me a couple of times. I understand you

though it could be very scary. It could

be that she's late or she's just emotionally and physically

stressed and that my dear causes a delay in a woman's

period, I had mine delayed for 2 months before. If you

guys really want a peace of mind then take the pregnancy

test it's as simple as that GOODLUCK!!

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First off doesn't matter how long for you stick your johnson in her she can get pregnant. Next time just don't let it "accidentally slip in" her ok?


If you were fooling around beforhand and you got all horny their is a chance you got some of that "pre-cum" on the end of your knob. If you stick your willy inside her it could prove lethal, or liveforming I should say



Unlikely but possible. Take a home pregnancy test or better yet, see a doctor.

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hey since you did the right thing to have the morning after pill and shes on the pill, then its at a low percentage that she is pregnant and likely that she is late. this is very common, despite being on a rota so to speak for when your to come on your period you can still come on late.


and jonny_has has got a great point when he says:

If you were fooling around beforhand and you got all horny their is a chance you got some of that "pre-cum" on the end of your knob. If you stick your willy inside her it could prove lethal, or liveforming I should say


a unique way of putting it, but in all sense correct!

go get it checked and then you wont have to worry,


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