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Pet peeves when dating..grrrrr


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Ok, so Im trying to get to know this girl..she cute, cool, etc, blah blah..Anyway we've been out a couple times and I know when she gets out of work, she calls. And everytime we try to get together afterwards, she says "Call me", so I do..AND SHE DOESNT ANSWER!!!


I freakin HATE THAT!! If you tell me to call or text you, I expect someone to answer. I can understand if its an emergency, but I KNOW shes not seeing anyone else, has a decent phone...told her shes gonna have to hit me up and I'll answer.


Anyways, what are YOUR pet peeves when dating or getting to know someone?

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Well fortunatly Im done with dating, but what I did hate about it was when the guy would bring up how hot his ex was. Seriously, that happened quite a bit. "She did some modeling", "she was very pretty", ect. Am I suppose to think more of you because of this or be impressed? It also annoyed me when they would go on about how good they were to their ex. "I did this and that for her", "I was so good to her, ect." So was that because she was so hot? C'mon. Get over it.

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I hate dating....especially the 'get to know you' phase....I just don't have time for it......I don't really like to talk on the phone, but I hate it when the only way you communicate is by text....The last guy I was seeing, we ONLY communicated through text message. I sent and received over 2500 text msgs a month when I was seeing him! Seriously! Pick up the phone and CALL!

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I'm not dating but.....


The number one pet peeve:


When a guy says he's gonna call, but doesn't.


Or, when he says he'll meet you somewhere, or he'll call you later for plans, and doesn't.


I hate hate HATE that!!! Even nowadays, when friends say they will call or stop by and don't--it definitely pisses me off. Sometimes it's like whatever...but if you've planned even part of your day around them or if you've been expecting them, I just find it disrespectful when you never get a call. Sometimes just a text would be nice, but nooooo, it's too hard to punch a couple of letters into your phone to let me know that you can't make it!


Just a few times is ok, but back when I was in the dating scene, if a guy didn't call when he said he would (not once of course, but MULTIPLE times), it was definitely a signal that he was not serious about me/ dating material.

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I hate the "getting to know you" phase too, which is why I tend to move pretty quickly in relationships. I'm fine with that and so are my partners (that's why I date them). However, it always seems to be my friends or his friends that freak out and tell me to slow down. The thing is, I've been in longer relationships than any of my friends.


This is what I'm going through at the moment with my new guy. Grrr.

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*oh she can cook amazingly you know* Its like.. don't say this to me while I'm cooking us dinner you idiot.


Ha-ha. A friend of mine told me he caught himself in the middle of saying something like this to his new GF about his ex's cooking. I didn't think anyone else could be as dumb as him, but looks like that's not true.

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I hate it when girls get all smiley and touchy feely and say things like, "I really like you... I don't know that I've ever had this much fun on a date before..."


And then I'm like, "Yeah, Rambo 4 was bad ass wasn't it?"


And she's like, "You just kinda ruined the mood."


And I'm like, "NO! You ruined the mood tryin to follow up Rambo with that mushy nonsense!"

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I hate it when girls get all smiley and touchy feely and say things like, "I really like you... I don't know that I've ever had this much fun on a date before..."


And then I'm like, "Yeah, Rambo 4 was bad ass wasn't it?"


And she's like, "You just kinda ruined the mood."


And I'm like, "NO! You ruined the mood tryin to follow up Rambo with that mushy nonsense!"


I would slap you.

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I hate dating....especially the 'get to know you' phase....I just don't have time for it......I don't really like to talk on the phone, but I hate it when the only way you communicate is by text....The last guy I was seeing, we ONLY communicated through text message. I sent and received over 2500 text msgs a month when I was seeing him! Seriously! Pick up the phone and CALL!


Did you ever really tell him how much you don't like text messages and how you want him to just call? Seriously... if you don't say anything then you can't expect someone to change. I tend to prefer texting people than calling, but the guy I've been talking to for the last month or so told me right from the beginning that he isn't into technology like computers, text messages. He prefers people to actually pick up the phone (yeah I know that's technology too) and actually speak to him as it's more personal. Because he actually TOLD me this, then I have been calling him and speaking to him on the phone. But if someone isn't actually told that what they're doing is a peeve, then they're not gonna change it, so you need to speak up until they understand.


Imsoalive - I get the answerphone thing too. He tells me to call and half the time his answerphone will come on. Worse is that a lot of the time his voicemail is full so I can't even leave a message! I told him again about that last time I spoke to him!

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Maybe I'm just picky, but...I kinda like to be treated like the other person cares about me. That means she (generally) answers my calls, or calls me back, or whatever.


Anyone who is so self-centered that she is always saying "call me" but can't be bothered to answer probably isn't the best bet for any kind of real relationship. I'd keep it casual and maybe just hang out when I happen to run into her somewhere.


My personal pet peeve is women who are all like, call me, let's get together, I'd love to get to know you better, whatever when you know they are already seeing someone. Some people are always looking for that next relationship or a little something on the side, but I'd rather they just move along to the next guy, you know?

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when girls expect that you pay for everything... i usally do.. but at least offer.. even when they offer i say.. thanks but i asked you out, and its my treat....


just hate when girls just sit there when the bill comes.. and gives you the look.. oh its your responsibilty to pay for it.....



arghhhhh makes me so mad..... i have couple time thought about just paying for my share, and getting up and walking out on her....

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When we first started seeing eachother he told me he was a texter...that he didn't like talking on the phone...but what ticked me off about it was he'd be soooo open and vulnerable in his msgs but then acted like another person in my face.

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When we first started seeing eachother he told me he was a texter...that he didn't like talking on the phone...but what ticked me off about it was he'd be soooo open and vulnerable in his msgs but then acted like another person in my face.

I know right? Like if you get in an argument, and your fingers will be sore from typing, but then when you see each other, ya'll are cool again...or maybe thats just me, lol

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I know right? Like if you get in an argument, and your fingers will be sore from typing, but then when you see each other, ya'll are cool again...or maybe thats just me, lol


Exactly! But it was more like he'd be all "I really want us to get serious" "you're the only thing I think about" "I miss you sooooo much!" I mean he'd really exaggerate the whole thing. Wouldn't hold back at all.

Then we'd see eachother and its like he didn't know what to say or what to do with me!

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when girls expect that you pay for everything... i usally do.. but at least offer.. even when they offer i say.. thanks but i asked you out, and its my treat....


just hate when girls just sit there when the bill comes.. and gives you the look.. oh its your responsibilty to pay for it.....



arghhhhh makes me so mad..... i have couple time thought about just paying for my share, and getting up and walking out on her....


Reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld when George is complaining about the same thing. "All I'm asking for is a reach for the check! That's all! But she won't even do that, Jerry!"

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