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When do you start to notice changes?

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Hey everyone!

Ive recently decided that its time to take my body back. Im a 5'3 female (small-med frame). When I started college 4 years ago I was 118lbs. Due to stress, illness and general bad eating habits and lack of exercise, Ive experienced a tremendous weight gain. Each year, my weight increased about 10lbs. A few months ago, I was my heaviest weight ever... weighing in at 155lbs. I started to work on learning to relax and de-stress and I think that helped me come down to 148lbs.


Im trying REALLY hard to get back to a healthier weight. While I know 120lbs may not be possible for a long time.. I would like to aim at being closer to 130lbs. For the last 3 weeks, I've cut out all junk food/fast food. I've monitored by calories very closely (using an online calculator, and learning to read labels) to maintain about 1100 calories a day. I've also started working out... doing a variety of things ... from hiking to tennis, to elliptical at the gym, yoga, and walking. Each day I try to get in about an hour + of exercise.


I've also started eating a lot healthier... lean meats, veggies, fruits, whole wheat bread, low fat dairy... and drinking TONS of water.



With all this work, I haven't managed to lose very much weight at all and its very discouraging. When I weighed myself this morning I was 146lbs. I guess Im wondering... when will I start to see a change? In terms of my figure... I love my curves, all i really want to do is lose the tummy that I have. I know its impossible to spot train and that you really just have to do cardio to thin out all around- but Im really not seeing much of an improvement at all.


Is there anything I'm missing? Or is it just a matter of time?

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It's realistic to be losing 1-2 lbs a week. Don't give up, and look for little changes. Every new muscle that showed but didn't last workout, every new vein, etc.


It's all encouraging. If nothing else, go with a friend. They keep your ass in check when you don't want to.


If you've got any specific questions, feel free to send a PM.

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A problem my father had when he was losing weight was the amount of exercise he was doing. Muscle weighs more than fat. So remember, just because you've not lost an amazing amount of weight it doesn't mean you haven't made a LOT of progress.

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