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do friends really fall for one another?


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ok, I hear all the time about friends falling for one another and then sometimes it works out and other times not so much...would you say that it works out more so than not? or likewise?


Its just the girl I like treats me alot just like a friend and as much as I'd like to break through that I don't want to break the comfort zone as well and ruin the friendship.

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I've always started off just as friends, and I know others who've done the same. You have to be a little careful, though. Just take things slow, be respectful and don't stop treating her as a friend. Don't over-do the romantic part, and keep it light--let the chemistry evolve naturally, and if it doesn't then things weren't meant to be, so don't push it and be happy as friends.


My grandma always told me: "If it comes down to choosing between the girl you like and the girl you love, choose the one you like. It is too difficult to distinguish love from infatuation, but if you like the person then you'll always enjoy being with them." I'm not entirely sure I agree, but she went through one bad relationship, then divorced and has been happily remarried for the decades ever since, if that means anything.

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There are 3 billion women on this earth. Why do you want to go for one you have a friendship with?


That's treating women as generic.


I know what you mean, blobbo18.

and I don't understand why we can't fall for our friends sometimes..

When you're friends with a girl, you can find out how truly amazing she is.

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That's treating women as generic.


It's making a realistic observation. To have the idea that there's only a handful of women out there that would like me would be absurd. It's not even in my reality to think something like that. There are millions of women that would love me and millions more that would date me. Friendships, to me, are extremely important. Friendships with women are especially important and I would not want to ruin one when I know there are millions and millions of women out there I would want to date and who would want to date me.

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