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cervicle cancer shot?


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yes. as long as you're under 25 you can get it. It is most effective in woman under 25 and that are virgins. That being because if you've had sex you may already have the HPV virus in you. But it is still a good idea, in case you don't have HPV it protects you from future transmission.

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yes u can even still get the gardasal when u already have HPV like i did. theres over 130 strains of the virus. look up the AAV2 it cures cancer...im not kidding. they are doing clinical trials in pennsylvania for breast cancer eventually cervical it needs funding though

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You need to talk with your doctor about this. You need to make yourself aware of all the risks associated with this vaccine as well since it's still fairly new and also realize it only protects against 4 strains of HPV when like another poster said there are tons more strains that could affect you. Also when you go in to see your doctor about this you need to be sure they know you are sexually active.


This shot is also pretty expensive and alot of insurance companies wont' cover it since it still is so new.

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