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I laugh and shake my head as I write this..

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ya, im actually not too surprised she never called me back, but whatever, not my problem anymore


as for "being this tolerant" I think thats a bit of a stretch... We used to have VERY intense emotions for each other and went through A LOT together... I think I'm a bit justified in still having feelings/emotions for her.. I'm trying to move on, and I think I'm making progress.. its just hard...


I doubt she will come back, and part of me is kind of happy about that... I need to start moving on... shes held me back long enough~

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You did the right thing, it's like that saying, if you have to ask, you already know the answer.


and dynamo is right: you should be focusing on your future (new girl), not your past (the ex).


better to get rid of this baggage, and have a clean slate to offer someone else. You wouldn't want to start dating someone who's still conflicted about their ex, right?

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