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Speed Dating


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You guys are going to think me nuts.


I am not jumping in - just a laugh and a few friends have suggested attending one for a giggle


Totally going with no expectations HOWEVER has anyone got any tips? I know its like 3 mins BING 3 mins BING but what in gods name do you cram in


Job? or boring?


General chat ?



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i think just talking about your job, etc... is probably kind of boring. do something memorable, to separate you from the other boring guys. i don't know - start off with a compliment on her hair, a fun colored sweater, etc....tell her you signed up for speed dating because you're an astronaut and this is your week off, you'll be on the space station next week, or something else goofy but memorable.

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I did it a couple of times for fun - oddly enough i did meet one of my exes that way.


It is a lot of fun. Really it is an introduction (and it is all about first impressions) and it is all about energy. Be yourself and have fun. I had more fun asking the off the wall kind of questions. Sometimes the three (or five) minutes can DRAG ON FOREVER if you have a dud. One guy sat down at my table and instead of "hello how are you" he said "I don't like to talk" and proceeded to give one word answers for the next couple of minutes. I then gave up and enjoyed my drink.

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i went speed dating right after i ended my 2 year horrible relationship it was sooo much fun! i didnt expect anything out of it at all and it gets so much easier after the first 2. plus drinking def helps u open up and not be so nervous i recommend drinking lol u meet some interesting people as well.

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I met my current girlfriend at speed dating, its been 3 months today we met oddly enough and I couldnt be happier.


Youll be surprised how nice and normal the people that go are !


As far as convo goes, DONT have ideas in your head to talk about, just go with the flow after the first few dates, its a piece of cake, good luck !

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