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Whats YOUR perfect date Guys and Girls


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this probably isnt waht most people think of their perfect date, but for me the perfect date would just be sitting around. maybe taking a walk around town. i don't really like going out to eat all that much, so just making dinner with my bf & then maybe watching a movie or talking or some thing. me & my bf are both the types who would rather just sit around than go out & do stuff.

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My perfect date would be:


Get all dressed up for a fancy restaurant, then eat there, go to a romantic movie, after that to a nice pub to have a chat and -if not tired and date goes well- dancing!


But, eating at my date instead of in a fancy restaurant is also a good way to start a date!

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my perfect date would be, somewhere simple, possibly somewhere to eat (but for me i would have to be comfortable with that person as i find it uneasy to eat infront of people im new to dating-weird i know).

other than that id go somewhere where i could have a laugh, go somewhere like a miniature golf i dont know. we dont have them around here so much, so id say somewhere which i could talk, because i feel that cinemas you can avoid that. so a walk i guess.


not too fussed personally.


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i know it features around a specific times of year but mine would either be sitting at the top of a large hillside on a blanket at night watching over a city and seeing the array of fireworks, after just walking home talking.


in the summer time walking on the beach watching the sun going down while the water splashes against our feet.


i know they sound like their from films but i think that simplicity it the key


~LJ =;

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