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Update on break up in November...7months later


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Hey guys,


If you want a recap of my whole ordeal, go ahead and look at my past post. My last post was in January and at that time I was feeling insecure and believed that the ex was mingling around with other girls. That was my last post because things were so confusing and changing on a daily basis. It just got really exhausting.


I knew that I had to focus that energy into something positive. I finally said that I needed to focus on myself and make myself happy. I started going to the gym 5 days a week, started on a new career, and just started to make myself happy and healthy. I went out with friends more and focused on my hobbies. I kept moving forward in improving myself...eventhough inside I was still hurt and all I really wanted was to be with him again.


During this whole time we did keep in contact. He would call and we'd hang out. I'd have plans sometimes when he wanted to hang out...Sometimes when he'd call, I'd be out with friends......

Eventually, he wanted to hang out more frequently and for more days at a time, then he began inviting me to dinner with his parents, then dinner with he and his friends, then to me finally staying with him for long periods of time at his place...


Well, its been more than 5 months later, and he and I are finally in a good comfortable and loving place. I learned a lot from the break up. I am more affectionate, more loving, and a much better girlfriend to him because of all this. I also have learned to not be afraid to ask for the things I need or want...I know that I need to be happy in order to make him happy. And that goes both ways....


A friend I met on this forum who I still keep in contact with and who has become a very supportive friend, encouraged me to update my story on here hoping that it may help some of you out there to see that sometimes the end is just the beginning to something better. Often times we need pain and struggle in order for us to learn exactly what it is we need to improve in ourselves. It sucks, but sometimes its the only way to motivate change.

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this part made me feel good:


"I also have learned to not be afraid to ask for the things I need or want...I know that I need to be happy in order to make him happy. And that goes both ways...."


good on ya! im so so so happy for you and wish you all the best

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Thanks for the update. One of the wonderful life lessons I got from this site is that I am responsible for my own happiness. I believe that focus helps us understand how to be healthier people going forward with ourselves and with others

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You're welcome Mushmouth This site and it's members have been good to me and I'm happy to say I did gain a very good friend who I know will be there to listen anytime of day. The support I got here helped me deal and work through all the emotions and painful feelings I was dealing with in a very healthy way. It really is an awesome source of support and information here.

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