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Ok so me and my girlfriend were together for about 6 months before she went to Australia for work....anyhow I'm going over to her in 6 days where we're gonna spend some time together and the she's coming home!!! LDR Over!!!!!


So anyways my question is when you guys met up with your partners after 'x' months apart...was it awkward at 1st? Like I keep imagining the scene when I 1st see her and dunno really what to say?


Any experienced people?

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After not seeing him for 5 months, I started crying when I stepped off the elevator and saw him. And then I hugged him and didn't want to let go. And after that.... well everything was wonderful.


The next time apart was 4 months, but this time I was moving to be with him, so I was just excited and nothing had changed and it was wonderful.

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