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oh god help! i really want to contact him today!!!


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I cant bare it any more, i really want to text him today. i have writen the text but not sent it, its in my inbox ready to send! Somebody talk me out of this!!!!


The text:

I miss you every day and i still regret us breaking up so much. Not being able to share things with you about my day or the dog etc. i know you've moved on and are having a great time, and i am avouding town cos its the right thing to doBut i miss you, well who you were to me, so much somedays , its almost unbearable.I cant believe its ben a month when it feels like an eternity since we were together and happy. I'm sorry that you were unhappy and unsure about us for that time. i wish we'd talked then maybe it wouldnt have been such a shock to me. anyway just wanted to say, dont forget forget who i was to you when we were happy. I still have deep feelings for you and you will always have a special place in my life xxx


God i really want to send this! I love him and miss him so much and i feel i want to let him know how i feel. this is stupid isnt it? I should just forget about him shouldnt i? Its so damn hard, I'm really struggling with my emotions today, have a hangover and feeling all emotional!!!


Help!!! XXXXX

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Hey MS


Stop right there - ok?!


You know that if you send that you will feell even crappier afterwards, don't you?


Sit on your hands hun - do whatever it takes - but please don't send anything.



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Darling - he knows all those things, doesn't he?


You are much better off coming on here and venting it out instead of sending it to him. He doesn't want what you do, does he? He wants to go out and party all the time - he doesn't want to spend time with a super loving girl like you - jerk.



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i suppose you're right, but i dont want him to think i have forgotten about him, and i want him to know these things. but i suppose if he text back, get lost or dont text me again i have another girlfriend i'd be gutted! I dont know how to handle it some days, i suppose i'm trying to reach out to the person i loved who isnt there anymore. I feel so low today!

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Theres nothing to screw up! No friendship no contact nothing, and i havent seen him for a while so, i dont know, i dont know whether to send it or not, 90% of me really wnts to send it 10% of me is too scared he'll be annoyed, or be horrible, OR WORSE, he may be really nice. then what will i do?


He may be nice and that will make me want him more, but he still wont want me will he?

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I didnt realise it sounded crappy, how about, 'its a shame that you were unhappy and usure about us' Blah blah blah.... or do i still sound like a needy idiot who should be over it by now? its been 4 weeks after all, and i'm alot older than him, i should be the one thats got my head screwed on surely?

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Honey - why do you want to send this stuff - he already knows it, doesn't he??


There is nothing wrong with you - just because you are the older one - doesn't mean you are not allowed to hurt.



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Yeah i guess you're right Clabs, if he did want to be in touch he would have i guess, right? oh god its so horrible to think he doesnt want to hear from me again after nearly 2 yrs of spending nearly every day together, except when he worked awy and then we spoke and text each other every day!!! Think i'm going cold turkey from him or something!

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I totally agree with Mark-- DO NOT SEND IT. There's an underlying "begging" tone to it that will only backfire. It only gives the impression that you haven't moved forward and are still hung up on him and wanting to get back together. I think you will regret it if you send it. You've written the message, so you've gotten out the emotions, but seriously, press DELETE. Sending those intimate messages as a text seems really weak. Sorry, but that is just plain a bad idea.

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My heads in a mess, my mother thinks i should start taking the anti depressant the doctor prescribed for me, says it may lift my mood and help me see things more clearly, but i just dont know if its the right thing to do. Isnt this just normal to feel like this or should i be feeling a bit better now and getting over it? I just sit around thnking of him, go to work, go thru the motions, see friends, put on a brave face, but when i'm at home i feel consumed with grief. Is this normal? I suppose this should have been another thread!

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I would say that four weeks of grieving a relationship is to be expected. You are still able to "go through the motions," so you are on the right track. You're probably saddest when you're alone and unoccupied, so why don't you go and do something for yourself today? Something that you would enjoy doing, even a little bit? Try taking some baby steps toward gaining some distance and freedom from your past. I would hesitate taking medication for now, but if the feelings persist, consider it again in a few weeks. If you're a caring person, it's normal to grieve. Take good care of yourself.

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I am feeeling weak at the moment but i dont want him to despise me for it, so i'll delete the text. Ok, its deleted. I dont want to sound like i'm begging, i just dont want him to think what i fekt for him was superficial, which is i guess, what i feel his feelings for me were.

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Please dont send the message, if you do get a reply it will not be one that will make you feel good, or it will give you false hope only to send you feeling a lot lower afterwards. i have been stung many times by sending texts to the ex and not getting the reply i wanted.


Heres what to do, write down his number on paper and give it to a close friend to keep, just incase you get a text. under no circumstances are they to give you the piece of paper unless you get a message that could be from his number.


Delete his number off your phone so you are not tempted to call.


I have been feeling up and down since i went NC, i can honestly say going to the gym has really helped me, even if it is just to get my arms and shoulders big again incase i bump into her.

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I understand how hard it is. Your emotions are reflective of your loving nature. Try to keep moving forward and doing things for yourself. In time, it will become easier. He is not the person to define who you are-- YOU ARE. Don't give him too much power in that regard. In time, your perspective on him and on your relationship will definitely change. You'll get stronger every day if you put yourself first.

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