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Hello my friends


I wonder why my ex still keeps me on her MSN contact list.

She broke-up with me almost two years ago. I started NC one week after. Since then I met her only 3 times and had a few talks on MSN (I blocked her, add her again, and when I understood that she would never tell me what I wanted to ear, I blocked and deleted her last XMas after a brief MSN chat).

There was a time when checking if she had deleted me was my reassurance ritual but today it's only by curiosity...sometimes I remember and check that.

I wonder why is she keeps me in her list. We don't talk anymore, I don't go to the places where she goes, she had never innitiated any contact (except last summer but I never gave her back my friendship because I never felt that she was trying to get back to me...I didn't wanted to get hurt again and I don't like to give break my pride), probably she knows I've deleted her. It simply doesn't make any sense to me.



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That could be it.. hell I still have my ex and all his family on mine.. Now that I think of it maybe I should delete them.


Yeah, maybe you should consider it....or should I say done it?


Anyway, last time I met the ex, 2 months ago, she asked me if I had blocked her or if I had stoped using it. I couldn't find the courage to tell her that she was blocked and deleted because she wouldn't understand my reasons and the last thing I want is to be misunderstood. I told her I had stoped using it (and in fact I don't use it anymore) because I realised that talking face to face with people is far better than talk "virtualy".

She made that sad look as if she was thinking that I was lying to her.

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I wonder why mine decided to unblock me after we had a huge argument 2 weeks ago. He still has be unblocked. I called him a few days back and he was telling me to leave him alone and never talk to him again, yet he still has me unblocked. This is the guy who put me on block every time we had an argument. I don't understand this, and never will...


ps - he is on my block.

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Hey Mythical


I guess it is just another way of kind of checking up on the other person - second guessing what it means. I agree far too many people pay far too much attention to this. I have heaps of contacts on MSN - half of whom I really have no clue who they are anymore - I just cannot be bothered to delete them.



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Hey Mythical


I guess it is just another way of kind of checking up on the other person - second guessing what it means. I agree far too many people pay far too much attention to this. I have heaps of contacts on MSN - half of whom I really have no clue who they are anymore - I just cannot be bothered to delete them.




Me too I don't know who most of the people on my MSN are it's been so long since i've talked to any of them and I also still have 2 of my ex's and some of their family on there but it's only because I don't pay any attention to whose on there and not and dont feel like bothering to take the time to delete them.


To the OP and others who look so much into this do you not realize you're only hurting yourself more by even bothering with this crazy stuff?


How do you know if someone has you blocked on MSN anyway? The only way I thought you knew is if you sent a message.

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