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My wife left me what do I do?

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Last week my wife left me and got an appartment. The day before she left she said the last thing that she wants is a divorce. So I felt I had hope. But a couple of days later she said that she does not want to get my hopes up and can not say for sure if we will get back together. Before she left she said that she needed to move out to find herself. She felt that in our seven years of marriage we have not grown together. I told her not to go and that we can work it out but she said that she loved me but not enough to stay. What do I do now? This past week has been the worst week of my life. I now know how much I love her. She says that she is doing fine. I tell her I love her but she does not say anything back. What do I do next?




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What you do next is give her the space she needs to figure things out. Did she explain to you why she feels you two have grown apart? Perhaps now is the time to think about the relationship and what happened. Had you taken her for granted? Did you do things together? Did you connect on an emotional level? Where is there physical intimacy..I am not just talking about sex, I am talking about true physical intimacy where the sex is about love and emotional connection. Take the time to think about the relationship and how you two have grown apart...and while you are doing some thinking and understanding, take care of yourself...make improvements in yourself. It is okay to be upset and sad, but make sure you strive to be the best you can be. You are strong and you will get through this. Do not contact her...let her contact you. Let things settle down and see how the separation goes. Just give it time.

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Dude, I was married 20 years, have 2 kids.


She left me last July 22, I joined here soon after that, a complete wreck.

I let myself become that wreck.


Once I "accepted" what had happened, I began to heal.

You too will heal thru accepting and not fighting it.


N/C, N/C, N/C.


Post, read, post, repeat...........


be strong and inquire within..........


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Dude, I was married 20 years, have 2 kids.


She left me last July 22, I joined here soon after that, a complete wreck.

I let myself become that wreck.


Once I "accepted" what had happened, I began to heal.

You too will heal thru accepting and not fighting it.


N/C, N/C, N/C.


Post, read, post, repeat...........


be strong and inquire within..........



I agree with surfjon....what you are going through is painful, very painful.....use this forum and the advice you are given. You have to grieve, you can't hide from it or delay it and some days it will hurt like heck but it will get easier as long as you avoid doing things that rub salt into the wound. NC is a great way to go.


Hang in there!

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