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Female. Vegan. Straightedge.


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why would people be lurking around on a site looking at a thread entitled Female. Vegan. Straightedge. if they were none of the above and in addition to being none of the above only had something negative to say about a person who is any of the above and to attack a lifestyle they know nothing about and hurts no-one?


i wrote that about "stupid macho insecure guys" and before britany had a chance to even respond their was a guy showing off his hyper-masculine self-consciousness and trying to belittle her for having the strength to forge her own altruistic path. apparently having an identity outside of the moral majority and brainless masses means flag-flying which i guess means being unashamed of your actions and choices...political, environmental, etc...you shouldn't be ashamed of what you do or who you are or what you believe or you need to reevaluate your life and make some changes so you CAN feel good about yourself. you are not engaging in shameless self-promotion when you say you are anti-racist, anti-sexist or anti-homophobic so why when you say you are anti-speciesist or drug-free do those equal self-congratulation. veganism and straightedge may make other people feel uncomfortable because they subconsciously feel their lifestyle IS one to be ashamed of but by simply taking on a title that applies to you by definition is not pride or vanity but logical. if you lead what you feel is an enlightened and egalitarian life then you shouldn't have to hide your morality or ethos because it makes others feel uncomfortable.


so britany, i say once again, "it must take so much strength and you must have to put up with so much crap (from stupid macho insecure guys) and that makes me respect you unbelievably."

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My take on sXe, militant vegetarianism and all that nonsense.


If Darwin wanted to declare Homo sapiens an herbivore then he would of have written that Natural Selection gave us rabbits teeth.


We have molars and incisors for a reason. Not using them would be an affront to our remote ancestors fight to the top of the food chain and dominance over the earth.

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why would people be lurking around on a site looking at a thread entitled Female. Vegan. Straightedge. if they were none of the above and in addition to being none of the above only had something negative to say about a person who is any of the above and to attack a lifestyle they know nothing about and hurts no-one?


Good stuff right there.

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My take on sXe, militant vegetarianism and all that nonsense.


If Darwin wanted to declare Homo sapiens an herbivore then he would of have written that Natural Selection gave us rabbits teeth.


We have molars and incisors for a reason. Not using them would be an affront to our remote ancestors fight to the top of the food chain and dominance over the earth.


I'm not vegetarian, but you need to understand that many of the reasons for vegetarianism have *nothing* to do with what we were *meant* to eat (for example, some vegetarians are thus because they oppose the appalling conditions the animals we use for food are kept in).

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It seems like the OP is choosing to define themselves with these labels rather than with their personality. I feel like it would be similar to me starting up a thread titled, "Male. Broken knee that cut short athletics career. Refuses to learn how to drive" and I could go on about how everybody else drives and can run for more than a few metres without feeling like their leg will fall off.


I don't define myself with these qualities, unlike my sister who gives off the vibe of "I'm a vegetarian/a lesbian/covered in tattoos and if you don't like it, then you're not worthy of my time" and, although I could be wrong, perhaps the OP too.


Instead I use these qualities to make people interested in me. How did I break my knee? What athletics did I do? Why do I refuse to drive (even though my dad was a driving instructor and could teach me for free)?


I would suggest not mentioning these things to people until they are asked of you. Humility in the things that make you different makes for surprising and enjoyable conversations.

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I am a Vegan and I'm straightedge. And I live in Iowa.

Is there anyone out there that can relate, even mildly?



My myspace is:

link removed


You would liek my friends band " The Ghost Inside" (Add them on the space and pandora, I think you will be pleased.


Im not edge or vegan but I have to admitt I have had some of the most fun with my edge buddies.

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''My take on sXe, militant vegetarianism and all that nonsense.


If Darwin wanted to declare Homo sapiens an herbivore then he would of have written that Natural Selection gave us rabbits teeth.


We have molars and incisors for a reason. Not using them would be an affront to our remote ancestors fight to the top of the food chain and dominance over the earth.''




Darwin's Theory is just that.. a theory.

And I'd love to see you take down a cow

with your bare hands and teeth.

Otherwise, if you can't do that.. without

using some sort of tool.. you're an omnivore, Dear.


May want to look more into opposing viewpoints so that

your may one day make sense.

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''My take on sXe, militant vegetarianism and all that nonsense.


If Darwin wanted to declare Homo sapiens an herbivore then he would of have written that Natural Selection gave us rabbits teeth.


We have molars and incisors for a reason. Not using them would be an affront to our remote ancestors fight to the top of the food chain and dominance over the earth.''




Darwin's Theory is just that.. a theory.

And I'd love to see you take down a cow

with your bare hands and teeth.

Otherwise, if you can't do that.. without

using some sort of tool.. you're an omnivore, Dear.


May want to look more into opposing viewpoints so that

your may one day make sense.


link removed Whereas a common theory refers to a supposition, a scientific theory is the phase in the experimental process where all the findings have been verified by independent study and declared as fact. If it were a mere idea then it would be called "Darwin's Hypothesis".


As our simian ancestors were more than capable of using tools to take down prey as well. Plenty of higher simians use tools Today.


A good scientist must have an open mind. But not open enough for that their brain will fall out. Once a consensus is reached then opposing viewpoints are pretty much ridiculed unless they too stand up to the rigors of the scientific process.

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