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Female. Vegan. Straightedge.


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I was vegetarian & straightedge from 15-19. I started drinking a little around age 20, but stayed vegetarian and went vegan around age 25. I'm now 38, drink fairly regularly and have smoked pot a few times this year (not very impressed with it), and really glad about my lifestyle choices. Not smoking nor eating meat and dairy has really paid off in my personal health, appearance, and well-being. Stick to your guns!


And yes I still own my Youth of Today records.

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I love dark beer, cannabis, grilled goods like steaks, listen to old school hard rock, and I'm a guy... and guess what - I often hang out with girls who don't drink any alcohol, don't eat meat, don't smoke and listen to awful pop music love songs that are mostly sung by babies who pretend to be grown-up...


Of course you can try seeking for simmilar people with the same way of thinking, but just give it a try and focus on communication and understanding even the people who are quite the opposite of who you are, all in all, we're just humans... Good luck!!!

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I love dark beer, cannabis, grilled goods like steaks, listen to old school hard rock, and I'm a guy... and guess what - I often hang out with girls who don't drink any alcohol, don't eat meat, don't smoke


Same here. Friendship knows no bounds, unless the bounds are self-imposed.



. Not smoking nor eating meat and dairy has really paid off in my personal health, appearance, and well-being. Stick to your guns!

That's funny, because I include lean meat and dairy in my diet and it has paid off in my personal health and how good I feel, and especially my appearance (I've been a weightlifter for 5+ years). The rules aren't the same for everyone..

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I am a Vegan and I'm straightedge. And I live in Iowa.

Is there anyone out there that can relate, even mildly?



My myspace is:

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I'm not a vegan, and I don't know what being straightedge means but I do live in Iowa! The worst dating place in the U.S. Normally I would say good luck at being a vegan or finding a date. But with the way things are in Iowa: Good luck at life!

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I was straightedge and Vegan in my late teens early twenties. There was a huge staightedge scene where I lived at that time. It doesn't seem as prominant now. While I am guilty of loving a good steak from time to time and am nursing a hangover today... I support the cause. Good for you girl.

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I am a Vegan and I'm straightedge. And I live in Iowa.

Is there anyone out there that can relate, even mildly?



My myspace is:

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I've never done drugs (except alcohol). I only drink alcohol occasionally, and it's almost never in order to get drunk. I don't eat much meat. I have also stopped drinking caffeinated drinks haha. It would be nice to meet more girls like that.

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I'm a vegetarian, would love to be vegan, unfortunately it is too difficult for me. I'm having a hard enough time finding food to eat now - i'm a vegetarian that doesn't like vegetables!!! I eat eggs from free run hens.


I'm not sure what straightedge defines exactly...

I drink a few times a year when i'm out on the town, and have much sex with my loving boyfriend of 4 years. Hate drugs.

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I am a Vegan and I'm straightedge. And I live in Iowa.

Is there anyone out there that can relate, even mildly?



My myspace is:

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My brother is a male vegan straightedge. He won't even touch leather in a car or wear a leather belt. He's also in a band and a very cool guy. Unfortunately he is taken I believe. But they are out there! Keep looking.



P.S. I'm a semi-vegitarian (chicken and fish) looking into cutting out a lot of dairy from my diet because I'm lactose intolerant and tired of feeling sick from eating dairy. It's a really big step though and I'm trying to find out how I'm going to do it. That's a lot of things I won't eat

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Thanks everyone for replying,

I really didn't expect any.


The sxe movement

I suppose could be summed up?

on link removed

Kind of.. I guess it depends who you are and

how you view things.


I'm a vegan who doesn't like vegetables. =p



Nothing else to respond to,

Unless one of you wants to

chat, in which case you could

send me a message..




Thanks for replying.

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I also don't really like vegetables - or much fruit - even though I'm vegan. I'm one of those vegan junk food addicts... I eat fries, veggie burgers, make my own vegan cheese pizza... I'm probably one of the pickiest vegans ever (both when it comes to men and food! LOL). I hate how when you request a vegan meal on a flight they 99.9% of the time give you rice. I hate rice with a passion...


Lucidloser, it's actually pretty easy once you've made the leap to veganism. I thought I could never cut out cheese back before I became vegan nearly 6 years ago, but now I eat 3 different types of soya cheese and have discovered so many new foods I didn't even know existed before I became vegan. The more you search around the more you find. I buy some stuff from online vegan stores that deliver... they have loads of good stuff...

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  • 3 weeks later...

female, vegan and sxe...i wonder how many there are in the world? especially vegan for animal rights reasons and actually choosing to live selflessly and compassionately...i have been vegan sxe for over 15 years and i have met maybe 5 vegan sxe (claimed sxe) girls ever...it must take so much strength and you must have to put up with so much crap (from stupid macho insecure guys) and that makes me respect you unbelievably.

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actually choosing to live selflessly and compassionately...


it must take so much strength and you must have to put up with so much crap (from stupid macho insecure guys) and that makes me respect you unbelievably.


This is the kind of sanctimonious rhetoric, with its sly implication that vegans and so-called 'straight edgers' are morally superior breeds with a lock on righteousness and an immunity to ignorance and insecurity, that makes me question whether the greater allure of conspicuously flying these flags is not in feeding the ego, rather than actually promoting awareness of these lifestyles' supposed benefits among the genpop. It's like the Bin Laden approach to spreading Islam; it enraptures the choir but finds no purchase in the unconverted soul.


Humility, not militancy, is the seasoning that can make these recipes for living palatable to the masses - if, indeed, adherents genuinely believe that their ways are good for the world and if enlightenment is truly an earnest goal. Otherwise, it's just a lot of public self-congratulation, and yuck to that.

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This is the kind of sanctimonious rhetoric, with its sly implication that vegans and so-called 'straight edgers' are morally superior breeds with a lock on righteousness and an immunity to ignorance and insecurity, that makes me question whether the greater allure of conspicuously flying these flags is not in feeding the ego, rather than actually promoting awareness of these lifestyles' supposed benefits among the genpop. It's like the Bin Laden approach to spreading Islam; it enraptures the choir but finds no purchase in the unconverted soul.


Humility, not militancy, is the seasoning that can make these recipes for living palatable to the masses - if, indeed, adherents genuinely believe that their ways are good for the world and if enlightenment is truly an earnest goal. Otherwise, it's just a lot of public self-congratulation, and yuck to that.


Brilliantly said.

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Try being a Vegan

in a society that

directs it's attention

towards contradicting



There is no superior human,

And Vegans do not see themselves

that way, thank you very much.



Give it a go for a year

or, even half of that

and then get back to me

on how Vegans view

themselves, Okay?


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