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my boyfriend slept with 2 of my friends..heartbroken


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First of all, those girls are not your friends. Secondly, you need to stay away from all of them. They are not good for you, and that is why you feel so bad. The pain is intense right now, but once they are out of your life it will lessen, and you will be able to make a fresh start.


You are young and have the world ahead of you, so find people that will lift you up and encourage you instead of taking advantage of your sweet spirit.

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one thing i considered when my boyfriend cheated was he was 18 at the time. A horny little 18 year old... I'm not condoning it but you shouldn't let all hope go because of what a hormone driven 17 yr old guy did. The fact that they were your friends says a lot about his character, but at 17 guys arent that smart.

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Oh my gosh! Reading your story just makes me want to cry.


My ex was there for me right after I was sexually assaulted.


When you have problems with a man who was there for your during the worst time of your life.....it's hard to make sense of it.


I can understand that you're heartbroken.


I was willing to stay with my ex through and despite everything. I just wouldn't let go, until he made me let go.


It's a really weird thing. It's not easy to get over a man like that, despite what he does.


So what do you think you'll do? Do you think you'll stay with him?


My ex cheated on me. But I didn't leave him because I loved him so.


Even today it's really hard to deal with.


So I know it's so hard for you. Because after rape, you don't trust anyone. And then a man proves to you that you can trust him, and you don't doubt him. Then all of a sudden it's like he has stabbed you in the back, and you just can't believe it.

So you try your best to ignore it.


I wish I could tell you what to do to make this okay. You are probably very attached to him, so I wouldn't tell you to leave him.


But just be aware, that he may dump you. Especially since he's sounding nonchalant about cheating on you.


And if he does dump you, it'll hurt like hell, it'll hurt for a long time....but it's not the end.

It's not the end of the world.


You'll still be able to survive.


My heart breaks for you, I know how hard this is.





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i decided to ring him last night and he didnt even seem bothered, like he didnt love me anymore..


"anymore"? Hey, this guy doesn't love you. No matter what he tries to make you believe.


Sorry that you had to go through this, but it's time to find new friends and move away from this guy. Whatever their age is... Even if they're young, it's not an excuse... There are people the same age who will have just a tad more respect for you.

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Honey, here is a tip: Never let a guy tell you what to do. If you wanted to stay in touch you should've never got rid of those guys numbers. Don't live up to his expectations.


not really thats another fing i gave up for him..i used to have quite a few guy friends and i lost contact with them all because my boyfriend was jealous

now i only have one friend i can talk to

and he appologised after he told me, asking if we could start a fresh..but on the phone he didnt seem to care he just sed hes fount someone else

ive never been so let down and felt this lonely before

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He sounds like trash to me and sorry to say your friends aren't much better. As hard as it is and as much as you love him, the best thing to do is to leave him asap. Staying with him will only cause more heart ache. He has already done it twice, i am sure he will do it again, just give him time.

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yeah theyve never given me any reason to not trust them..theyve always told me to leave him.. and now i think i know why....i saw him the other day just to confirm that he slept with both of them because one of them denies it..he seemed to of had no remorse at first, and then when i was about to leave he said he would never hurt me again.i have met somebody else,and my ex said he would tell him i met him, but i already did..he was bothered because of how he treated me but said he trusts me..just why does he want ruin my life completely..a dont understand it all to be honest

.before i left he asked me to run away with him...i just got in the taxi and went..it hurt but i knew deep down it was the right thing to do...whats the point in trying to give it another go, because like you say he would do it again

thanx for all your posts...helped me put things into perspective


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dont be heartbroken....be angry!!


Once you do that you should dump his sorry cheating ass. He is no good for you and he WILL cheat again.


Don't be heartbroken over a cheating jerk. I know...easier said than done. Not as far as I'm concerned because thats the attitude I took when I found out...I got a divorce and boom, felt fantastic that I was single again and away from such a wretched c##t. (sorry for the C word, but thats what she is)

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