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Am I being too clingy?

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Been with this girl for over a month (known eachother for 4 months), both 19 and go to the same college. So, it's temp. LDR.


She seems as though she is busy often and will text me literally for like 2 hours straight, then just stop in the middle of the convo and text back like 2.5 or 3 hours later....


My question is do you think she's really "busy", cuz she says she is, but it isnt like she works 40 hours a week like me... like I know she has a life other than me.... it just seems weird.


What do you think ?

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Been with this girl for over a month (known eachother for 4 months), both 19 and go to the same college. So, it's temp. LDR.


She seems as though she is busy often and will text me literally for like 2 hours straight, then just stop in the middle of the convo and text back like 2.5 or 3 hours later....


My question is do you think she's really "busy", cuz she says she is, but it isnt like she works 40 hours a week like me... like I know she has a life other than me.... it just seems weird.


What do you think ?




I think you need to read your post. The answer is in the question.


What more do you want? 2 hours of texting is a lot.


Just let things be.


Do you complain when she stops texting you or ask questions like "whats wrong? where are you? Guess you don't want to talk to me anymore"


These are lines used WAY too often by men and women that drive their significant other away.


If she stops texting you for a few hours then let it go. She probably is busy. You do not want to come off as controlling by questioning her where abouts or getting hurt when she does not respond right away.


A good rule of thumb is to give the person 12 hours to respond to you. They could be in class, work, asleep or in a movie. If they do not contact you after 12 hours and it BOTHERS you that much, then it's ok to try again. Keep in mind that the clock starts all over after each attempt to contact someone.


If a girl does not answer a text or a call from me after a few days then I will try to contact them again. If there is still no answer or it takes them a few days to contact me on back to back occasions... I WRITE THEM OFF.


If a girl is interested in you then she will make it known. If this girl is texting you for 2 hours straight and then texts you again after a few hours then she is definitely interested.


A little advice to you, dont spend 2 hours texting this girl. Why do you have so much time on your hands to where you can play this text messaging game with her in the first place?


Keep the text message and phone calls to a minimum so when you do actually see her you have something to talk about. I.E. if you have a date with her that you will be spending 2 hours together later that evening and you spend 3 hours earlier that day texting her or talking on the phone with her, dont you think you are going to run out of things to talk about on the date???


in short... STOP WORRYING!

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