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Long story, but I will make it short.


He left his wife and bad marriage for me 3 and a half years ago. He broke up with me after a year and dated someone else for a few months we got back together and got engaged to be married. He broke it off 6 months before the wedding and started dating someone else. We got back together 3 months ago. He said he wants to move in around end of August or Septemeber and we would get re-engaged at that time. I told him last night I am sick of waiting and being the girlfriend for the last 3 years and all the on and off again and need a commitment. He went into a rage and said he is sick of me bringing it up every night and that he told me he is planning to move in with me in a few months. I told him I am done! Enough is enough. If he cannot make a solid commitment it's time for me to move on. I know ultims never work, but I am wasting the pretty on this guy and passing on so many others. If he loved me and wanted me forever wouldn't he move to a SOLID committment? Am I making a mistake???? I love him so much and we have a blast, but can't keep doing this. Is it time to get out or just give him more time? What's with the in two months? Why not now?

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I think it's time to move on. It seems that your the girl that's been there for him when relationships haven't worked out with other people. & not only did you guys break up once & he started dating again, but twice. This doesn't seem like someone you can trust will be there for you for the rest of your life.

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OH CRAP that is such a horrible relationship. This dude leaves you, does his business then gets you back, then leaves and does his business again than comes back. No offence but are you NUTZ!! You deserve a hell of alot more respect than that! Move on. There are better people out there that will be true to you! you are not in the wrong at all. stand your ground and move on!

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You should leave him. You are making a mistake.


My Aunt, had an affair with a married man.


They eventually got married and now her life is a freakin nightmare!


It's quite sad.


Dump him. If he didn't stay committed to his wife, chances are he won't stay committed to you.


And even if you get married he'll probably cheat on you constantly.


And if you try to say anything about it he'll probably say, "Well look who's calling the kettle black" or "What do you care, it didn't bother you when we were doing this to my other wife. What did you expect?"


So, I just think you should get out and rediscover yourself. I honestly don't think this man is worth your time.


And yes it sucks that you've lost 3 years with him, but it's better than losing 10 years.

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What she's telling you is not 100% honest. Funny that she left out the part about her dating (screwing) another guy 5 months after we were together. She'd say she was going to visit her "friends" in Delaware...meanwhile she's sleeping with this other guy. This lasted for months. I am far from having a commitment problem. It's more of a trust issue. How would you feel if the person you were with CONSTANTLY talked about people of the opposite sex? This is after you've talked and said that it's something that really bothers you. hey people make mistakes but trust me...she's telling you her side...not the truth.

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and I can tell by your signature that you must not have a job....and must have a ton of time on your hands to post almost 3000 replies. Have you ever actually been in a relationship yourself?


Mate - whatever happened, you won't get much sympathy from anyone on here if all you can do is come here and have a go at someone.


I'd try and be less bitter and twisted if I were you.




PS - I must be jobless too!

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and I can tell by your signature that you must not have a job....and must have a ton of time on your hands to post almost 3000 replies. Have you ever actually been in a relationship yourself?


Hey man, you dont gotta be like that. Your girl posted her side and we replied to that, now if you want to argue it start a thread of your own. Majority of us use this while were at work in between down time. Many lives have been saved from this forum so either voice what you have to say about THIS thread or be gone! I can assure you majority of us here have a awesome life but some of us for a change like to HELP people! not contradict!

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and I can tell by your signature that you must not have a job....and must have a ton of time on your hands to post almost 3000 replies. Have you ever actually been in a relationship yourself?


Getting a little upset here are we? Do have nothing better to do than to try and strike down a person that is trying to help. And regarding the number of post: Take note she has been a member for nearly 2 years! She didn't post 3000 replies in a month.

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