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Is this working too much?

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I'm 19 a college student and am working 40 hours a week. Keep in mind I've worked the past 3 summers working 40+ hours per week. Am I overworking myself ? I want to cut down my summer to actually enjoy my summer and be able to hang with friends and not come home dead tired and thereforeee makes it tough to hang with friends/ have a social life.


My parents * * * * * saying "this is a good chance for a lifetime career" , but i feel that im forfeiting living the life of a college student during the summer (not in school right now)


What do you think ? Am I just * * * * * ing or is it alot >?

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Depends on the reason why you're working. Do you have to support yourself? Do you need the health insurance that comes with a full-time job? Or are you doing it just to have the extra cash?


If it's just for the extra cash, I'd say it's OK to cut down and actually enjoy yourself. Once you're not in school anymore, you're going to miss having the opportunity for a summer break. I know I do!

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Depends on the reason why you're working. Do you have to support yourself? Do you need the health insurance that comes with a full-time job? Or are you doing it just to have the extra cash?


If it's just for the extra cash, I'd say it's OK to cut down and actually enjoy yourself. Once you're not in school anymore, you're going to miss having the opportunity for a summer break. I know I do!


No, I live with my parents at home this summer.... so it is just extra cash / experience....

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Sorry if this isnt placed correctly in the forums..


I'm 19 a college student and am working 40 hours a week. Keep in mind I've worked the past 3 summers working 40+ hours per week. Am I overworking myself ? I want to cut down my summer to actually enjoy my summer and be able to hang with friends and not come home dead tired and thereforeee makes it tough to hang with friends/ have a social life.


My parents * * * * * saying "this is a good chance for a lifetime career" , but i feel that im forfeiting living the life of a college student during the summer (not in school right now)


What do you think ? Am I just * * * * * ing or is it alot >?


Nah keep working, your futute is more important

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it sucks to be the friend who has a job and thereforeee has no social life... but i think you'll be happy after college because you will be way more prepared to hop into a fulltime position.


maybe try to work some kind of alternate schedule. what i'm doing is working 9 hours a day and then i get every other friday off, it's still 80 hours over the course of two weeks... and it reallllyyyyy helps my sanity.

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it sucks to be the friend who has a job and thereforeee has no social life... but i think you'll be happy after college because you will be way more prepared to hop into a fulltime position.


maybe try to work some kind of alternate schedule. what i'm doing is working 9 hours a day and then i get every other friday off, it's still 80 hours over the course of two weeks... and it reallllyyyyy helps my sanity.


Yeah I can do that here at the n@vy , but 9 hours a day is rough . I did it for the past couple of weeks and almost went mentally insane lol.

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Yeah I can do that here at the n@vy , but 9 hours a day is rough . I did it for the past couple of weeks and almost went mentally insane lol.


well, yes... but that's going to happen anyway right??


i crave my friday off.. this week is not one of them. i am not a happy camper today.

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well, yes... but that's going to happen anyway right??


i crave my friday off.. this week is not one of them. i am not a happy camper today.



Hmm how old are you ? NONE of my friends work because they cant find jobs so im fortunate for this one... but 40 hours seems redank for a 19 year old college student who has the summer "off" from school.

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Hmm how old are you ? NONE of my friends work because they cant find jobs so im fortunate for this one... but 40 hours seems redank for a 19 year old college student who has the summer "off" from school.


i am 21... i'm actually on co-op now so i've been working full time since january... i'm done with this position next week and then i start right back up in classes until december. so i don't get a break either way (classes in the summer are kind of fun though). i worked full time all my past summers too. always in an office, my friends sometimes work part time... but i really try to work at places in my field, so it takes a certain level of commitment.


my major issue is seeing the sun during the summer. right now there is not even a window in here. so, i make every effort to get outside for lunch and spend as much time outside on the weekends as i can. it's really necessary for me to photosynthesize i've decided.

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That is true, to a certain extent. But, money cant buy happiness.


Yes it can that is a lie people who don't have money tell to make themselves feel better.


Party after college. While everyone who didn't is working at the party. I couldn't think of a lamer cliche but 3 years of college is not a big deal.


Better to have ages 22-25 filled with awesome.


Trust me I am 24, I work in retail weeeeeeeeeeeeee my life sucks. Study hard now get a degree.

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Study hard now get a degree.


Lol who said I didn't study hard ? We're talking the summer here.... where I worked 8 or 9 hours a day M-F while like literally all my other friends cant get jobs. I'm happy I have this job, but 40 hours is overkill or it's getting to me. I'll be a sophomore in college in August, I've been doing this 40 hours/week deal during the summer since freshman summer of hs.

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Lol who said I didn't study hard ? We're talking the summer here.... where I worked 8 or 9 hours a day M-F while like literally all my other friends cant get jobs. I'm happy I have this job, but 40 hours is overkill or it's getting to me. I'll be a sophomore in college in August, I've been doing this 40 hours/week deal during the summer since freshman summer of hs.


Yes the work experience will be helpful. Is this related to your degree work ?

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Yes the work experience will be helpful. Is this related to your degree work ?




Yeah it's C++ programming and I'm a computer systems major. Def. not something I will do as a living I'd rather be doing DBs or networking I'm thinking. Like last summer I did DBs and it wasnt that bad cuz i actually enjoyed it.... this summer its just hell.

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I'm a little older, but I:


- Work about 65 hours a week on average

- Take classes at night

- Study for a professional accredation on my own time

- Excercise min. 5 days a week

- Commute a lot

- etc.


I certainly don't have to do all of this, but I want to - I am looking out for my future. I know that I am pushing myself, but I have learned to enjoy it. What else am I going to do?


If you are okay with you schedule, and you're able to manage well, then I don't see an issue. Sure, there might be peers who won't understand you, but they will be clawing for a decent paycheck in 5-10 years while you will be quite comfortable.

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the point is you have complete control over whether you work or not because you have a free ticket. . . until you have to pay off the loans (assuming you do)

so why ask us if your 'volunteering' working 40 is 'too much for you' or not??

seems to me if it was that taxing on you then you could just quit and lay around all day and just worry about school.

but you dont, you work 40 hours. good for you.

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I guess what i'm trying to get at is..... am I being a lil wuss or is working 40 hours a week from age 16-19 during the summer just wayyy out there ?


I mean I workout right after work too (6 days a week), great break from work... i just feel like i'm being socially inept at times because I dont have a choice...

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hm. well i'd say i am working 54 hours a week minimum and going to college part time until i get enough saved up to pay for full time. everyone has their own barriers of what they can handle. it seems like yours is fine. not too lazy and not too work-a-holic.

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hm. well i'd say i am working 54 hours a week minimum and going to college part time until i get enough saved up to pay for full time. everyone has their own barriers of what they can handle. it seems like yours is fine. not too lazy and not too work-a-holic.


Okay sounds good. Thanks

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Yeah it's C++ programming and I'm a computer systems major. Def. not something I will do as a living I'd rather be doing DBs or networking I'm thinking. Like last summer I did DBs and it wasnt that bad cuz i actually enjoyed it.... this summer its just hell.


Get the experience...... if you're doing c++ once you get experience you can earn some truly amazing money as a developer... that ones a no-brainer.

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It all depends on who you ask. My mom worked full time while in high school - the paycheck went to her parents to help with rent and bills. My folks were immigrants who have made it very well for themselves here. I know other folks who would think that you're crazy for working those hours at such a young age - you should be out having fun and being a kid.


All in who you ask; neither wrong.

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Plenty of people work full time and go to school carrying a full time load (or a part time load). So it isn't too much per se, unless YOU think it is too much, and have the financial resources to not work so much.


Are you living with your parents (i.e., that is their objection, that you want to quit your job and live off them for the summer). I could see their objection there, that you are a grown up know and need to support yourself.


But if it is your own money and you live apart from your parents, you should do whatever you please. Nothing wrong with taking the summer off, as long as you're able to afford school, and go back again in the fall to finish.

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