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How should I respond?


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Hi all,


I met this nice girl at my job. She is new and has worked a few times. I worked with her twice and now my hours were changed so I won't be working with her again any time soon. We both only work the weekends and she has the morning shift and I have the later shifts. I could stop in earlier just to say hi, but that would be three hours earlier and I am getting another job to work before my shifts.


Last time I talked to the girl she smiled a lot and we talked before her shift ended. I looked her up on facebook and requested her. She accepted. I then sent her a private message saying "hi, we work together, right? How is it going? whats up?


She responded saying yeah we work together and she hasn't worked in a while but she is working saturday and it should be fun.


How should I respond? Should I ask for her number immediately or talk a bit more and act flirty (how do I do this?) and then eventually ask her to go out for ice cream or something?


One thing I noticed is that her relationship status says "it is complatied" and it has her in a relationship with a girl. I assume it is her best friend because I know some of my girl friends who put themselves in relationships or as married to their best friends on facebook. They are not actually dating them.


It says the girl is interested in men so I don't think that was anything to worry about. I think she is single because it says she isn't dating a man.


Any tips or suggestions? I won't see her in person in the next week or two so if I want to ask her out and not wait, I have to do it online.

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Be careful with pursuing relationships at work. As the old saying goes "don't ****(poop) where you eat".


I don't think it will be a problem. I work at abercrombie and fitch. It is common for people to date there and the managers have no problem with brand reps dating each other. Two of my good friends work there and are dating.

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Edit: I am changing this post...


On saturday I would stop in before my shift just to talk to her. I would get there before she leaves and ask her if she wants to grab food before she goes home and before my shift. The problem is that I won't be around early on saturday so I will have to wait till sunday to hopefully see her. If I see her on sunday I will try and ask her out for one day during the week...


If I don't see her on sunday I will talk to her during the week online and try to get there early next saturday to talk to her at work and hopefully ask her out.


Does this sound ok?

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Hi all,


One thing I noticed is that her relationship status says "it is complatied" and it has her in a relationship with a girl. I assume it is her best friend because I know some of my girl friends who put themselves in relationships or as married to their best friends on facebook. They are not actually dating them.



This is a tad bit strange. Before you pursue anything, try to find out if she's in any kind of a relationship right now. You wouldn't want to find that out later once you're emotionally invested in her.

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