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Does anyone REALLY enjoy dating? Tell your tales here!


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man, am I the only one who likes dating here?



Dating is fun and an adventure... Enjoyable and sometimes humorous.


I enjoy getting to know others...


I think some people especially get tired of the dating scene when they've been in it for awhile.

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It can be fun at times, especially if there is good chemistry. But more often than not for me it has been full of trials and tribulations.


The guy who after taking me out told me I was too tall to date but he would like me to be his f-buddy and teach him things in bed. (I left then and walked home).


The guy that when I saw his huge stash of condoms in car's arm rest on a date tried to reassure me he was taking medication that made him impotent. (why would you tell a date that?)


The guy that talked endlessly on the first date about how much he loves short brunettes (I am neither) yet got offended I didn't want to sleep with him.


The guy that "forgot" to mention his online girlfriend. Or the guy that "forgot" to mention his real life girlfriend.


The guy that told me he had never dated a mature older woman before (I was 21).


There are more. I just can't remember right now.

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I once had a date with a woman who was ga-ga over me and all starry eyed on the first date...


She was telling me how she found her soulmate and all this crazy stuff


Her friend told my friend (it was actually a double date) that my date was, in fact, still married and her husband had no idea she went out behind his back - apparently often.

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have u ever dated someone completely brain dead???


ok, i went on a date with this guy and he asked me where i was from. i told him i was raised up in michigan and that i lived in louisiana for 11 years.


he was like oh, Louisiana is such a nice country! lots of tornadoes there

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have u ever dating someone completely brain dead???


ok, i went on a date with this guy and he asked me where i was from. i told him i was raised up in michigan and that i lived in louisiana for 11 years.


he was like oh, Louisiana is such a nice country! lots of tornadoes there





I told a date I lived in the UK for 3 years, asked if she had ever been there. She said "No, I have trouble learning different languages"

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Newest one for me and haven't met him... but during first phone conversations, he's almost pleading with me to agree to date him only and commit to a serious relationship. After having met online less than 24 hours prior.


Afterall he says, any two people can make a relationship work if they choose to.

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I haven't dated much but the guys I have gone on dates with turn out to be weirdos or I'm not attracted at all. One guy obviously had a girlfriend (I later saw pictures of them on myspace and love quotes dedicated to her on msn), but would deny it and still insist on going on more dates. Then another one forced me to kiss him and then asked if he could take me to a hotel, haha. The only time I was attracted and really liked the guy was when I had asked him out. I think from now on I'm sticking to going out with guys that I ask out, which will probably be never lol.

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Newest one for me and haven't met him... but during first phone conversations, he's almost pleading with me to agree to date him only and commit to a serious relationship. After having met online less than 24 hours prior.


Afterall he says, any two people can make a relationship work if they choose to.



See ITG, I'm giving you adequate time! LoL!

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^^^ True.... True! ^^^


I forgot to mention that I have til this evening to give him my ultimate decision on if we are going to do this. Guess we may as well get married next week. And the promises to pay for a pedicure upon my agreement... a vacation to FL this summer, a promise ring next week. My oh my. (Mind you - - - I am not very materialistic...)


He is funny though. And intelligent... But too much too fast for sure!

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I had two dates with a guy who kept touching me, even though I told him that it made me uncomfortable. He kept calling me dear and honey, and we never even kissed. It creeped me out and I decided not to see him again, even though he seemed very nice in all other respects. Also, he refused to tell me what he did for work...or even if he had a job.

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^^^ True.... True! ^^^


I forgot to mention that I have til this evening to give him my ultimate decision on if we are going to do this. Guess we may as well get married next week. And the promises to pay for a pedicure upon my agreement... a vacation to FL this summer, a promise ring next week. My oh my. (Mind you - - - I am not very materialistic...)


He is funny though. And intelligent... But too much too fast for sure!



At least you have a sense of humor about it. haha.

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Y - you just reminded me of one! Good one btw.


Went on one date with a guy who called often and talked as though we were in a serious relationship. When I told him I wasn't comfortable with him coming to my apt a week later, he said "don't you want to be with me?" Next day sent me an email saying I was too clingy and in too big of a rush. I was constantly putting *him* off.. (I thought this guy was weird but just got weirder.)


He originally said he was divorced. I looked up his myspace page couple months later. It says "Who do I love? I love my soon to be ex wife. If you are reading this "ex wifes name," I love you and want you back!"


Glad he decided to 'dump' me.

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I posted this on a thread months ago, but it's too good not to re-tell.


My old roommate (and close friend) set me up on a blind date with this guy she described as "the sweetest guy I've ever met, has the most gorgeous blue eyes". I was 20 at the time, he was around 27, I believe.

The day of our date, he calls me up and says he'll have to cancel. The car he would be driving had to go to the shop. I told him, I'll pick you up, not a big deal. So, I pick him up and he has this REALLY nice house (yet he's a security guard at a nursing home?). I asked him about roommates and he said, "my siblings are my roommates". I replied, "oh, cool", to which he said, "i live with my parents". Hmm. Okay. Oh, that car he would have been driving? Not his. His dad's.

So, prior to our date, I asked him what we'd be doing (so I could dress accordingly). He said it was a surprise, but I'd REALLY like it. So, I looked cute--had on a skirt with some heeled boots. Ummmm...he took me HIKING. I have NOTHING against hiking, in fact, I love it...just not in heels. When I protested, he started getting SUPER whiny and mopey. Screw it, let's go.

I was annoyed by this point and we got in the car. "Let's go see a movie". Sure, why not. Quiet. Not just any movie. It had to be one of the half-priced $3.00 ones (he specified). I had SEEN all these movies already but okay, sure.

On the drive home (he wanted to get dinner, I told him I had to feed my cat), he started talking about religion. Uh oh. I'm not religious. He asks what religion I am and I told him raised Catholic. He's CRC (christian reformed) or protestant reformed, can't remember but whichever one is the stricter of the two. He says, "You don't go to church because you're too busy, right?" I said, "No, I don't go because I don't want to". He looks at me, asks if i'd go to church with him and convert. I tell him NO. He says to me, in all seriousness, God will SHUN you!!!!!


At the end of the date he said how great of a time he had and wanted to continue dating.



I got home and my ass of a roommate was sitting at the table laughing.


He called me every day for a month. Finally, I told him I was pregnant and didn't know who the baby-daddy was.

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I honestly love seeing how other people operate. He really is funny. I just don't understand why we have to get married so quickly...


My ex didn't quite go that fast but he was always talking about "when we have kids" and all that.


I always kind of went "yeah...sure" but inside was laughing hysterically.


He was a sweetie.

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