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he is the biggest scumbag, liar and std carrier


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i have HPV. i find it highly unlikely that someone else could have given it to me. i went along time without even haven sex before i was with him. i always used protection even though it always does not protect from getting HPV. plus he is with three other woman.


Him being with other women doesn't mean he gave it to you! The other guys could have easily given it to you. So to throw the blame out at him is abit much. You don't know who you got it from. Why do you find it so unlikely? Condoms aren't 100% when it comes to HPV and it doesn't matter how long you went before having sex with him. I'm not trying to be harsh but in all reality you don't know he did infact give it to you so to fully blame him without proof isn't the best thing to do.

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