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Oral Sex question


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My girlfriend usually loves for me to to go down on her, she does like to be conscientous about herself as far as being fresh...So last night after she got of work(12 hours) I went to go down on her and was denied... I was taken aback, she said she wanted to be at her best and probably wasn't after working all day, but we have had MANY instances where I would do it in morning and after long days at work.... so why stop me now??? I obviously don't care what time a day it is, she could worked out all day for all I care



She became very defensive when I tried to sway her into lettimg me continue..


An thoughts, advice or experience with this??

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Women have thier moods man. Dont take it to heart. If she says no, just smile and say "youll get yours later ;-)"


Thats happened with most of the women ive dates. I mean just think about it. Would you want some woman you were really into to schlob your knob after a day of work and then going to the gym? If so, thats pretty gross. Its the same concept for a woman. Sure she may have let you other times but maybe she wasnt in the mood for that or like paranoid said, aunt flow could be in town.:splat:

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could have been anything. i know after 12 hours of work i would not be too confident in the cleanliness of my... vajayjay.

hell she could have been saving you from tiny pieces of toliet paper or an infection.. or even the dreaded period. i wouldnt flip out about it. some girls are just really selfconscious about it, (and can't enjoy it if they are concerned btw)

no big deal.

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My girlfriend usually loves for me to to go down on her, she does like to be conscientous about herself as far as being fresh...So last night after she got of work(12 hours) I went to go down on her and was denied... I was taken aback, she said she wanted to be at her best and probably wasn't after working all day, but we have had MANY instances where I would do it in morning and after long days at work.... so why stop me now??? I obviously don't care what time a day it is, she could worked out all day for all I care



She became very defensive when I tried to sway her into lettimg me continue..


An thoughts, advice or experience with this??



Sounds like she gave you her reasons. She was feeling self-conscious, period. Even if she let you in the past, that doesn't give you a green light for all the times in the future.


Why not just suggest play/naked fun time in the shower/bathtub instead if she was feeling the need to relax and clean up? Heck, after a 12 hour shift that is probably one of the first places I'd want to go anyways.

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dj, i agree with charlie brown...i'm very self-conscious when it comes to that stuff. i like to be fresh and clean. Call me considerate, i don't know what it is. If she was willing to still have sex with you, then it's probably nothing to worry about. If she was comfortable with you doing this before on other occasions where she may have been out all day, there may be different circumstances now. Outside of "aunt flow", there are plenty of other "woman" problems we experience. I wouldn't stress it. If it continues, be supportive and flat out ask her why she's held back. You may get an answer you'll laugh about.

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I don't think you should be so hard on her. There could be many reasons why she denied it. Perhaps she was tired after a long day of work. Maybe she is PMSing? Or she just felt "unclean" down there and didn't want to feel uncomfortable. Or maybe she was not in the mood for oral sex. Did you ask her why she denied it? Keep in mind...she doesn't OWE it to you to let you go down south and she won't just spread her legs open for you on demand. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but your post came off as somewhat demanding...like she MUST let you give her oral sex and you're shocked that she refused.

Sex is something that should be enjoyed by both partners...and both should consent to it. Whining and demanding will just create more problems.

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yeah, i didn't demand it from her... She is always asking for more sex from me.. are sex drives are different... she wants sex everyday where I am every other... I just found it out of sorts is all I was as sensitive as could be concerning this

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Your girlfriend is sooooo lucky.


Anywho, maybe she is just feeling self-conscious. Or maybe she has razor bumps, or she and the girls at work were having a conversation about feminine odor, who knows?


Maybe she didn't drink enough water....let's see, what else could it be? Hmmm, Oh! Maybe she feels fat. OR, she could have been feeling gas-y (did I spell that right?).


Ya! I think gas-y is the best possible explanation. Because otherwise she could have just taken a shower and let you do it.

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