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How to do NC ? Watch Sex in the City....


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That is the problem with some women, they think life is or should be like SATC. My ex told me she couldn't wait to see the movie with her friends which in itself was innocuous. It's just coupled with everything else I know about her that I believe that she thinks she is one of the characters in the show/movie, I truly do. Unfortunately, my heart hasn't caught up with my head on the ex and I still miss my ex a lot.


I agree with one of the earlier posters, any girl who's favorite show is SATC or Grey's Anatomy is an orange flag.


Right on bro. I think some women get so wrapped up in these sick reality shows where the men will do ANYTHING for a woman. They'll get tattoos, make asses out of themselves, fight, kiss other men if the woman wants him to. Its sick really. Either that, or some women think 'Real Housewives of OC/NYC' is really how its supposed to work. Now, I'll admit I watch these shows, but I know that its just entertainment. Many young adults have had no real values and morals instilled in them by their parents, so they think this is real life. Its far too easy to plop your kid down in front of the TV and let them watch what they want than it is to drag them to church every sunday and wednesday. And I'm in SoCal. Talk about ALOT of superficial women here! All you have to do is drive downtown on the weekend and go to a club to see society's ills at work.


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I used to watch Sex and the City for simple escapist TV viewing. Lots of people seem to take it so seriously that the book "He's just not that into you" which was written by the writers of Sex and the City, has somehow become something akin to a factual, scientific publication for some people. Sex and the City is pretty much Seinfeld for women...the characters are indeed vain and superficial....and in fact, Mr. Big was the ultimate bad boy...and that is who SJP character ran after instead of the nice guy who really loved her.


dqueen..that is a neat trick...invisible ink...Harry Potter would be proud of you LOL.


Hahaha...I thought same thing as Tushboy


I watched the movie with my gf along with 100s other women last week said after the movie that she read the book and she thinks there is too much resembling between I and Mr. Big


thank god! though I am not like the guy in the book at this moment according to her. but she is now paranoid about my ex coming out of woodwork to replace her (just for the records: no chance I take her back or leave my gf for anyone now). How a movie can trick the minds of people (opps should be women)? LOL


I am living true Seinfield story.

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most girls are hopeless romantics, i for one hope my ex goes and sees that movie as at least it will make her think and make her own decision.


for one thing i can say that chick flicks are way better than action movies now a days



indiana jones... what a disappointment

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