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How to do NC ? Watch Sex in the City....


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I watched the movie last night and came out with a big smile on my face. I don;t know if any of u have seen it. I realise now that the more I yearn, cling on, want badly, act desperate, break NC the more I let chances of reconciliation slip.....the movie has strengthened my resolve to go NC. I recommend it to everyone!



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I am seriously trying to forget what i read... something about an altar..



It only came here a week ago and ive been avoiding the mad rush


SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chocolates..you might want to edit your first post to remove what you quoted from Tushboy..because the spoilers are still there!


I don't mind reading the spoilers...when I read a book I often jump to the ending to see how it all turns out..then I am satisfied and can continue reading the book!


Tushboy, glad to hear you were inspired to continue NC.

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You know what I just realised. This forum lets you type in different colours. Which means....SPOILERVISION!!!


Like this (highlight to read text below...duh!):


La la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa. See? Now you can type your spoilers in white text and we'll all be happy!


By the way, I can't stand Sex and the City and the show sucks. The movie probably sucks even more. But I still don't want to know any spoilers! Weird huh!? SJP makes me puke!


Heh heh.


Ok, fun over!


No really. That really was fun.

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I'm with dqueen. I absolutely hate S.A.T.C.


I've never seen anything so utterly contemptous of men in my whole life. It's about selfish, gold-digging, materialistic * * * * s who $hag as many guys as they can and treat them like dirt. One quote from the show sums it up for me: "women are for friendship, men are for f***ing".


There is no way on god's green earth that a show like that would ever be made with the genders reversed. If women were ever portrayed in a show like men are portrayed in S.A.T.C, there would be an uproar. Absolute carnage. Feminists everywhere would be demanding the writers' execution.

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is it a girl sort of movie?


I've no idea what sort of movie it is, and i'll never know either because i'd rather boil my head in rat's piss than go and watch it. But if its anything like the tv show, its about women who use men for sex and treat them like walking dildos, take what they want from them before dumping them and moving on to the next. Or, more usually, moving on to the next without dumping them. Thank god its only a show, cos if i thought most women were really like the slappers in that programme i would lose my faith in humanity. SATC makes me want to self-harm. I despise it. Its misandric.

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Well of course its Sex and the City, it has materialism, it has the Gucci and the Versace and the Prada and loads of sex and lots of greediness of more material things. But the movie also has so much more going....even though it's a chick flick everyone can relate to the various emotions the characters are going thru.


I got a new lease of life after watching it, I never thought of all the films SATC would strike a chord with me....but it did...esp the Jennifer Hudson character...she was the perfect example of how to be after break up. I don't wanan go into details..but the women signify independance, soul searching, making the right choices and not letting anyone treat you like a door mat.


If you don't like it...don't watch it. simple!

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I used to watch Sex and the City for simple escapist TV viewing. Lots of people seem to take it so seriously that the book "He's just not that into you" which was written by the writers of Sex and the City, has somehow become something akin to a factual, scientific publication for some people. Sex and the City is pretty much Seinfeld for women...the characters are indeed vain and superficial....and in fact, Mr. Big was the ultimate bad boy...and that is who SJP character ran after instead of the nice guy who really loved her.


dqueen..that is a neat trick...invisible ink...Harry Potter would be proud of you LOL.

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I've no idea what sort of movie it is, and i'll never know either because i'd rather boil my head in rat's piss than go and watch it. But if its anything like the tv show, its about women who use men for sex and treat them like walking dildos, take what they want from them before dumping them and moving on to the next. Or, more usually, moving on to the next without dumping them. Thank god its only a show, cos if i thought most women were really like the slappers in that programme i would lose my faith in humanity. SATC makes me want to self-harm. I despise it. Its misandric.


I have to agree, have tried to watch it and if it had some humor, like the male equivalent show "Entourage," (except the men don't cheat near as much in Entourage and the general respect level for the women on Entourage is higher) it might be fun. But find the humor in SATC kind of smarmy and stale, clever without being funny, if that makes any sense. After a couple of bad experiences, women who say that SATC is their favorite show are actually a mild red flag for me going forward.

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dqueen..that is a neat trick...invisible ink...Harry Potter would be proud of you LOL.


Thank you thank you. How odd is it that I actually did date a Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe lookalike? Now I know why he had the hots for me.

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That is the problem with some women, they think life is or should be like SATC. My ex told me she couldn't wait to see the movie with her friends which in itself was innocuous. It's just coupled with everything else I know about her that I believe that she thinks she is one of the characters in the show/movie, I truly do. Unfortunately, my heart hasn't caught up with my head on the ex and I still miss my ex a lot.


I agree with one of the earlier posters, any girl who's favorite show is SATC or Grey's Anatomy is an orange flag.

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