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when to accept her invitation into her house?


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When is it a good time to accept a woman's invitiation into her house? How many times should I decline her invitation to stay over at her place after I drop her off at the end of the dates?


When I go out on a date I like to keep it short so that the woman is left wanting more. I make it a point to end the first date after 60 minutes.


I let all the other dates last about 3 hours at the most. I'm thinking that the next time a woman invites me to stay at her place for awhile after taking her out on the date I'll politely decline and go home.


I want to take things real slowly and get to know her as a friend for awhile before setting foot into her house. I'm not going to accept any invitations into her house for at least the first 10 dates.

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if you like her and want to take it slow, i would tell her that, flat out. it would be a shame if she thought you weren't interested in her when you turn down her offer, and then she moves on. i've definitely been offended when a man has turned down my invitation in. i've seen that as a 'no thanks, not interested' comment from him. you need to make it clear if you like her, that this isn't the case at all.

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some potential relationships need some spontaneity and unplannedness. That adds to the spark and to the excitement. Your idea of going on "x" dates before stepping foot into her house, is a bit preplanned out and takes away from the spontaneity and excitement.


No, I'm not advocating that you sleep with her or stay over right away, but sometimes when the moment is right (and you will feel it), don't push the opportunity away, just because it hasn't been "X" amount of dates yet.

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I agree with the above responses, I wouldn't make a hard and fast rule on this. If you're absolutely going to slow play, then I would tell her precisely what you're up to or else she'll get bored or de-attracted and lose interest.


Personally, if an attractive woman invites me in, I'm going in. We don't have to have sex, but we're at least going to get to know each other and makeout on the couch.

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But what if you met the girl online and then you finally get to meet her in person? are the rules different? do you stay the night with her at the hotel or does she come and stay at your house or if you visit her, do you stay at her place? I think when you meet people online, there's a-whole-nother set of guidelines to follow!

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But what if you met the girl online and then you finally get to meet her in person? are the rules different? do you stay the night with her at the hotel or does she come and stay at your house or if you visit her, do you stay at her place? I think when you meet people online, there's a-whole-nother set of guidelines to follow!


No if she visits me she gets her own hotel room and I stay at my place. The same goes if I'm traveling long distance to visit her. I pay for my own hotel room. For one thing I have too much pride to accept an invitation to spend the night at her place. I'd rather pay for my own room to satisfy my pride.

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No if she visits me she gets her own hotel room and I stay at my place. The same goes if I'm traveling long distance to visit her. I pay for my own hotel room. For one thing I have too much pride to accept an invitation to spend the night at her place. I'd rather pay for my own room to satisfy my pride.


OKay...let's say you've been talking to this girl for hmmm...six months. does six months of talking equal to ten dates???

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