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Living in Fear

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I have seen a "dark man" (thats what i call him) only once - it has the shape of a man but no eyes just black holes. I had also felt a presense, weight of something on top of me pushing me down. I am terrified of this thing, i don't know what to do - i see it in my dreams and it kills in my dreams - i feel like i have to constantly look over my shoulder to make sure nothing is there. im just so scared, the dreams are getting worse and more frequent and i have now seen it more than once.

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i've had dreams of being chased, being killed, etc..... i've read dream interpretation books, and they say these dreams tend to come up when you are stressed at work, and overextended. maybe you have a lot of things going on with work or school? some big deadlines? it may mean you've taken on too many obligations. try scaling back and see if these dreams don't go away.

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Calm down, everything will be ok. I know what you mean and I have been in similar situations as have many of my family members. In my case I woke up one night because I felt someone come into my room and sit at the edge of my bed toward my feet. I woke up and sat up thinking it was my cat or my sister. As I look toward the edge I see an indentation in the bed going back to normal shape as if someone had just been sitting there and gotten up. I was afraid to say the least. I said a quick prayer, turned on the lights and went to bed-somehow.


My uncle told me once about how he experienced the same thing you did. What he did was tell "them/it" off. He said it would happen to him often until one day he asked around and they told him that the spirit was just playing around with him and that he had to tell them to leave him alone. Sure enough once he told them to hit the road they stopped visiting him. Or so he tells me.


In either case stay positive and don't stress too much, maybe they are attracted to the bad/negative energy? who knows. but I would do a quick prayer or meditation, asking them politely to leave or be removed by whatever higher being you believe in. If not just be straight out rude, say "leave me alone, I will not pay attention to you" out loud, in your dreams, in your prayer.


I wish you all the best, I hope this helps. No one knows for sure what is out there, but we are not helpless. Maybe it's some time of spirit guide?

be safe, let us know how it all goes down.



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I have seen a "dark man" (thats what i call him) only once - it has the shape of a man but no eyes just black holes. I had also felt a presense, weight of something on top of me pushing me down. I am terrified of this thing, i don't know what to do - i see it in my dreams and it kills in my dreams - i feel like i have to constantly look over my shoulder to make sure nothing is there. im just so scared, the dreams are getting worse and more frequent and i have now seen it more than once.


So you've seen it in real life? Or just in your dreams?


If you've seen it in real life it's probably just an evil spirit, rebuke it, it'll go away.

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