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She's just too young?


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Well I met this girl, actually she's my good friends cousin. I met her a few times but that was years ago. She is really cool, nice and very mature for her age, both physically and mentally. So we met at her house where I went over there with my friend. So she looks 20 but she's actually 16. I am 23 so this is where my issue begins. We have talked on facebook and aim for a while and really do get along well and have a lot in common. She has been hanging around older people most her life and it shows. So is it weird for me to like her? I keep feeling weird about it BC well she is still in high school and only 16. I also don't want my friend to know we talk BC I don't know what he will think. Anyways what do you guys think? I'm not planning on like dating her or anything like that but is it weird that I feel attracted to her? Is it weird if we were to hang out? Well thanks for any opinions.

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Well, if you are physically attracted to her then talking to her might be inviting trouble.


Hanging out in with a large group would probably be OK, but I would not spend anytime alone with her.


Well I don't plan on going out with her alone or anything. The only time I see her is if I am with my friend and we go over there to use the pool or he has to stop by while I am with him. And in regards to jail, yeah I am well aware. Can't go to jail for talking though right? I know its a weird situation, but I don't think it will get to that level. Thanks for the input.

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If your attracted to her already I would be careful because you're obviously still going to see her, so the attraction may only grow.


You seem pretty clued up, but don't go there. When I was 16 I got together with my current boyfriend who was 23 at the time too, BUT the laws are different in America and you need to NOT go there.

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NO NO NO! Run!!! Thats Statutory rape dude, if you wax it! is prison worth a 16yr old. I was talkin to this one girl that i thought was 19 but found out she was 17. even a 19yr old is too young but we were just talkin cause my friends girlfriend wanted all of us to hang as a group. No matter how old they may SEEM to act, one thing ive learned over the years, THEY ARE STILL THAT AGE thereforeeE WILL ACT IT EVENTUALLY! dont do it man. ("prays for you"). haha

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From a legal point of view stay away because she can only do you damage. Many educated men have ended up in jail due to young careless women. IT can get you into trouble even when she turns 23. She can claim rape, underage sex and so much more.


It's can at times be a fact that guys tend to be attracted to younger girls, but it is best to just stay away, at least until she is legal. Even if she gives her "consent", her parents can do a lot of harm.


Personally I'd stay away from a young kid like that, because that is exactly what she is!

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I slept with and really had an amazing time with a 27 year old when I was 17. Our laws are a little silly and can get you in a lot of trouble. But to tell you the truth there is a lot of consensual sex going on between "adults" and "minors" that don’t lead to jail time. Still it's risky. More risky then it should be.

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I thank everyone for their input. I already knew the answer to my own question really but wanted to get others opinions. Putting jail and sex aside, is just a casual friendship within the borders of not being inappropriate or weird?

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