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Should I just leave her alone?


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The last time I talked to this girl was Early thursday morning, june 5th, that was our second phone conversation and since then, she has not called me or emailed me. I called her on Sunday Night and left a message and still no response and sent a email on Monday morning and have yet to get a response.



so it's wednesday and should i just move on since it looks like I may have said something else DUMB on the phone thursday night which has caused her to ignore my contacts?

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Damm, I hate when this happens with attractive women. As hard as it is to come accross them online and I can only point the finger at myself for still not saying the RIGHT THINGS on the phone. And the sad part is when women do this I have no idea what it was I said so it's a strong possibility that whatever I said to turn her off I may say again to another girl.

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I wouldn’t get too stressed or down about it.


When something like this happens try not to take it so personally, you had two phone conversations with her – she doesn’t know the person that she’s not calling back – so she’s not rejecting you.


Also, there aren’t right things to say in every instance when you first talk to someone on the phone. Keep the first few conversations friendly and brief, and your focus should be trying to lead it to an in-person meeting.

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The only thing I can think of that may turned her off was when she was telling me she is kind of a GEEK and I was like-"I'm a Geek too, a TV and Sports Geek, and then went on to say why I considered myself a geek because of my passion for both.



But that's like the only thing I remember saying during the convo that could have been POSSIBLY the reason.

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Yeh dude - don't go THERE with it!


There is an infinite number of possible reasons she's not calling you back. If you wanna guess that its something you said or did, the choice is yours but of all the things it COULD be, why you would home in on THAT one....????


Point is that she hasn't called back so.... maybe try another....

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Let it go.




That's the fun thing about doing this online dating, talking on the phone a couple of times. I still think that if you would post more of your "conversations," (not word for word perse but as close as possible) we could help ya with conversation.


CD, I have a first phone call story from yesterday to share.. Gonna do it later. (I'm not even looking to date but a guy sent me a msg on myspace, requested that I text him after a couple emails, then asked me to call him so I did..) All without much thought... Fun and no worries about where it's going to go!

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CD, one thing I've learned over the years with the opposite sex is that if they genuinely want to get to know you, they won't care about what "stupid" stuff you might say to them. Hell, they might even think it's cute. Odds are she just wasn't feeling it and it didn't click for her, but that's part of the fun (for lack of a better term) of the process.

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CD, one thing I've learned over the years with the opposite sex is that if they genuinely want to get to know you, they won't care about what "stupid" stuff you might say to them. Hell, they might even think it's cute. Odds are she just wasn't feeling it and it didn't click for her, but that's part of the fun (for lack of a better term) of the process.




well it's not FUN when 33 is staring you in the face and you have no current options.

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I agree with Shannol...if she likes you as in appearance and profile she will find quirky thingds you say cute vs being a dealbreaker.


She just lost interest or found someone else. Move on. Don't stress it.




I wasn't really stressing, I was just going through my list and needed some feedback before she was DELETED off the list. But the 5 day gap between contacts is not something I can deal with which is why I had no choice but to move on.

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dont expect so much out of anygirls you meet. just go with the flow. never give them tooo much information. you have to leave some of it for later to keep her intrigued. What she meant by geek was that she probably likes to act like a dork, not geeky in a sense of playing video games all day and reading. never give too much info.

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There are many reasons why she has not called you back. You do not know any of them, so stop thinking about it and let things happen. If she will call you...fine...if not, then you do not want to be with someone that is that unpredictable anyway.

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if she likes you as in appearance and profile she will find quirky thingds you say cute vs being a dealbreaker


YUP! Once a girl likes a guy,he could do anything short of killing her and she would probably give him the benfit of the doubt and chock it up to his quirky cuteness.


So, basically, she's probably not the one, but it's cool cuz somewhere some girl is thinking, "If I could only find a guy who liked sports in a cute geeky way...sigh" For real, don't stress dude.

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You have done a good question, it’s really interesting. If you get any good reply, so please let me know. So I’ll also get some good idea.

Thanks for your future help.



What does that mean?


OP, just move on. No need to wonder. So many other people out there. If a girl has interest, she'd call you before a week passed by.

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I'm in the same boat as you it's been one week since i've heard from this guy I went out with a few times. I suppose it's time to move on who knows what's going on with them in their life, what they're really looking for and their perception of you. I know the difficult part is to stop analyzing the situation.


Anyway, i understand your angst - dating sucks!

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I'm in the same boat as you it's been one week since i've heard from this guy I went out with a few times. I suppose it's time to move on who knows what's going on with them in their life, what they're really looking for and their perception of you. I know the difficult part is to stop analyzing the situation.


Anyway, i understand your angst - dating sucks!




no i hadn't met her yet, we had just talked on the phone twice, and I was going to ask her out in the next convo but as you can see I never got the opportunity

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so it's wednesday and should i just move on since it looks like I may have said something else DUMB on the phone thursday night which has caused her to ignore my contacts?


who cares what she thinks. you put in the effort, no reply. And here's the key - if she replies back to you with no appology about ignoring your calls/emails and wants to meet up... you say....? No!

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In my opinion, i think a first date should be scheduled on the first phone call if you both live in the same city. Otherwise, you extend the meeting and risk not having any physical attraction or in person chemistry.


Just a point of view for the future.

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In my opinion, i think a first date should be scheduled on the first phone call if you both live in the same city. Otherwise, you extend the meeting and risk not having any physical attraction or in person chemistry.


Just a point of view for the future.



Well maybe the 2nd phone call, but the first phone call is for touching base and seeing if you have a feel for the perosn's personality. Like if I talk to someone for the first time on a monday, I would like to talk twice before meeting that saturday or sunday.

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Well maybe the 2nd phone call, but the first phone call is for touching base and seeing if you have a feel for the perosn's personality. Like if I talk to someone for the first time on a monday, I would like to talk twice before meeting that saturday or sunday.


I agree with that strategy. In this case, she decided not to keep talking to you. You just have to accept that and move on.

I will tell you one of my internet stories. A guy I met online called me. The conversation was ok, but not great. He kept texting me and leaving messages. I did not respond. He is still meassaging me. It's been almost 2 months. Now, I am actually SCARED of meeting him because he is showing signs of being obsessive. It is quite possible that you scared her away at this point....or she just did not feel like keeping in touch with you because she met someone else.

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I agree with that strategy. In this case, she decided not to keep talking to you. You just have to accept that and move on.

I will tell you one of my internet stories. A guy I met online called me. The conversation was ok, but not great. He kept texting me and leaving messages. I did not respond. He is still meassaging me. It's been almost 2 months. Now, I am actually SCARED of meeting him because he is showing signs of being obsessive. It is quite possible that you scared her away at this point....or she just did not feel like keeping in touch with you because she met someone else.



and see that's the other thing that i always forget, that it's possible that they just came accross another guy they clicked better with. I always forget to remind myself that I'm not the only guy on the dating site-lol Even though a girl will make it seem that way like the girl from last night who replied to me for the first time and said



"This is my first time actually replying to one of this ads so I figure what the hell let me give it a try"




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