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Why don't I ever get asked out - EVER!


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Honeybee, I've made two observations:


1) You said you had low self-esteem due to a past relationship, and that you've never considered yourself pretty.


If that pic on your profile is your picture, than you are crazy! You are beautiful. That's besides the point, though. I think outside of physical features, people in general are attracted to someone with confidence. It's almost like an outer glow that encompasses your body when you have it. My advice...learn to KNOW that you are beautiful, inside & out, and other people will know it too!


2) Some people make assumptions about other people that are attractive. I do the same. When I see an attractive man, I automatically think, I won't approach him because he's probably conceited, and gets a ton of women hitting on him daily. I shy away from the possible rejection. This may be the case with the attractive guy who won't make a move. He's probably thinking like you, and won't make a move until you make a move; meanwhile you both are on pause waiting for the other one. Unfortunately, if you're interested, you may have to let on that you're interested..indirectly or directly. Give it a go. Good luck!

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I never get asked out by guys I am interested in either (but then I'm really picky). Maybe the one guy you really like just sees you as just a friend and just isn't attracted to you - like how some guys really like blondes but might not like dark haired girls or vice versa. Or maybe he is just really really shy and you need to make more of an effort in his case. One consolation for you - at least you've only been single for 5 months. Some of us on here have been single for years! I think sometimes when you come out of a relationship you are so not used to being single that it seems way more frustrating that it really is. Maybe work on enjoying yourself as a person rather than thinking about how much you think you need a guy or to be on dates. The more you put into your own life and getting out and having fun with your friends, the less you will (or should) think about how you haven't had a date in a while... and maybe then a guy will come along when you're not expecting it (that's what they say, anyway!).

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