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Sex questions....

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You body is retaining fluid and that will increase pelvic pain and your uterus is getting ready to shed it's lining and is more sensitive also. There are also conditions that are normal that are sharp pelvic pain in relation to ovulating, that also could come into play.


Do you have annual pelvic exams? The Pap smear gives early indication of any abnormal cells but I would doubt it was cancer. If you seriously are concerned, see you Gynecologist.

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The best thing to do is see a doctor - the inflammation caused by a due, or recently finished period could be the cause - however, there are a large number of benign gynae. problems that can cause pain also - endometriosis, ovarian polyps etc. You won't know, and should not assume anything until you see your doctor! They will ask a lot of questions and do an exam to ensure that everything is running smoothly!

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