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Girls, what makes a guy a keeper


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A keeper.. Hm.. Tough to narrow down.

I guess a guy who shows me he isn't into me just for the sex (and means it.. of course sometimes there just isn't that connection they need to feel or they aren't looking which is understandable.)

A guy who is honest, trustworthy.

A guy with manners and who is a gentleman when necessary.

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intelligence, confidence... basically a guy that we could talk about a whole bunch of different subjects. Have intelligent conversations and debates about things and hmmm.... I actually haven't thought about this in awhile. So I'm not sure. heheheh


But there's some guys that could answer this too kuiks! heheheh

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intelligence, confidence... basically a guy that we could talk about a whole bunch of different subjects. Have intelligent conversations and debates about things and hmmm.... I actually haven't thought about this in awhile. So I'm not sure. heheheh


But there's some guys that could answer this too kuiks! heheheh


you are right...sorry...men are welcome too i was just mirroring the other thread...lol

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No money doesn't do it, although a grown man who has p'd away his life and wants me to take care of him is definitely out of the question. I want a life partner, not another child!


I can't give a good answer to this, because I have met some very wonderful men but the "spark" isn't there. They are definitely keeper material but the chemistry wasn't there ... still working on this answer ;-)


One thing is true, women see themselves as if looking in the 10x magnifying mirror, let's just say, men don't!

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It's hard to explain he just has to have "that something about him. But there is something so great about a guy who can be spontaneous, and who isn't uptight, a guy that can be intelligent yet funny when needed be.

Good looks are always a bonus too.

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He's seen me at my worst and still sticks around

He makes me feel relaxed and brings out an adventurous side in me that I never had before

He's not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong

The way he cares for his family

Ohh the list could go on and on..

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To me a keeper is a good listener, is sensitive, down to earth, thoughtful, family oriented, and sticks by your side through the good times and the bad times. Oh and well he should be pretty cute too! I could actually list tons more but I'll stop there!

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I'm a guy, and one thing I'm noticing is that slice is right, most girls have no idea what they want. I was in a relationship for over 2 and a half years, and the girl I was with told me she wanted exactly what I am. Then left me twice. What?


If a girl could honestly admit to herself what she wants (and 90% of the time it has nothing to do with looks) most men like myself would be much better off.


I'm not the best looking guy, but not the worst. I'm comfortable with the fact that I'm a nerd, and I have a dry sense of humor but I can really nail someone with a one liner.


The fact that I'm comfortable with parts of myself seems to intimidate women around my age (21). If someone could step up and just honestly say what type of person they'd like to spend their lives with, and actually give some men an honest chance, I think most people around my age would be better off.

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staveandors case is very typical for most guys. The problem is that women tell men what they prefer. Tall, extremely handsome GQ models, with lots of money. The problem is that attraction is separate from all that. I noticed over the years that changing my BEHAVIOR had much more of an impact than any physical change I made. Women are attracted to men with status, popularity, confidence, humor, and a dominant reality. Meaning he knows what he wants in life and is not going to buckle infront of beautiful women. Most men buckle very easily. Whenever a hot woman challenges the typical man all his beliefs are suddenly up for question. The attractive man will not be intimidated by beauty. Of course there is more to it but that is gist of it.

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Read a study two years ago on attraction/mate selection where they gave women pictures and descriptions of the men in the pictures and the three top criteria were in order:


1. Height

2. "Handsome" facial features

3. A relatively unqualifiable quantity of the man being superior in some way to the woman, wealth, education, career, talents, life experience, social value.


I believe the study came from somewhere in ivillage, but could be mistaken. Would do the legwork to dig it up a link if people are interested.


Now of course, the above is all just initial attraction, as far as what any person, female or male, thinks is a "keeper" is totally subjective and dependent on an individual's life experience, goals in life and desires.

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guys i go out with: taller than me, built well, athletic, enjoys dates that consist of playing/watching sports, steady job/income, can make me laugh, likes kids and my family, socialable, independent, not needy/clingy, can hold a meanless/meaningful conversation, caring, honest, trustworthy, loyal, driven..but doesnt take themselves too seriously


keepers: getting that butterfly feelings plus all the above

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I'm a dude but one thing I've learned over the years is that girls give horrible advice. Seriously they don't know what they want. Most of them anyway


that doesnt sound like words from a jaded mouth at all.

yes.. indeed. i agree. deep down i want a cheating, lying, shifty, and abusive loser who can't hold a job and calls me names... because after all i have a vagina and that means i automatically 'dont know what i want'

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Read a study two years ago on attraction/mate selection where they gave women pictures and descriptions of the men in the pictures and the three top criteria were in order:


1. Height

2. "Handsome" facial features

3. A relatively unqualifiable quantity of the man being superior in some way to the woman, wealth, education, career, talents, life experience, social value.


I believe the study came from somewhere in ivillage, but could be mistaken. Would do the legwork to dig it up a link if people are interested.


Now of course, the above is all just initial attraction, as far as what any person, female or male, thinks is a "keeper" is totally subjective and dependent on an individual's life experience, goals in life and desires.


i think that has something to do with the process of natural selection and breeding. we are animals after all. i'll believe it.

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that doesnt sound like words from a jaded mouth at all.

yes.. indeed. i agree. deep down i want a cheating, lying, shifty, and abusive loser who can't hold a job and calls me names... because after all i have a vagina and that means i automatically 'dont know what i want'


Now thats just childish.


In regards to the survey. If you give woman just pictures of course they are going to separate and discriminate based on superficial things, but in real life I have seen tall, good looking guys get beaten by shorter less "handsome" men because the shorter man "gets it" and knows how to trigger the gut feeling of attraction in a woman.


In fact I urge any guy to try this experiment. Ask any girl what she hated about her Ex-Boyfriend(s). And then do those things! You will most likely get further with her than if you played the safe boring conservative route and did "what" she supposedly says a man should do.


-Obviously do not do the abusive things. For instance if she had a boyfriend that beat her. Thats a terrible thing.


The truth is woman are always wondering, where have all the REAL men gone? Well we have a shortage of them because we have whole generations of men raised by woman. With woman trying to teach young boys how to talk to girls and treat them, when in reality they are being raised to be wussies and be ashamed of their natural desires as a man.


Advice to any guys reading this thread. Go to talk to a guy who is "naturally" good with woman. Someone who is charming and attracts them with personality. You will learn far more from him than woman on these forums. I did however notice some woman give good advice here. But they are too few and far in between.

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Its like my good buddy ryan said.. he cant tell me how to pick up guys because he doesnt pick up guys.

if i wanted to learn how i would have to go to a girl who had 'skill.'

it works the same way with men and really its common logic.



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