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ok, how do i say this. i have a couple of guy friends that consider girls that sleep with them all the time a * * * * . even if they are boyfriend and girlfriend. they say that they don't want a girl friend that gives it up everynite. that there mostly looking for a girl to hang out with. how many guys agree with this? how is a girl suppose to know the difference?

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ok, how do i say this. i have a couple of guy friends that consider girls that sleep with them all the time a * * * * . even if they are boyfriend and girlfriend. they say that they don't want a girl friend that gives it up everynite. that there mostly looking for a girl to hang out with. how many guys agree with this? how is a girl suppose to know the difference?


Well, if they don't think highly of the girls who sleep with them, then they shouldn't think highly of themselves either...after all, they are having sex too...and they are having sex with women they profess not to respect..so that kind of makes them losers!

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Hmm yeah but concider this. A woman gets away with mood swings and bad moods for no reason. A guy that does the same will be snapped into line. Men and women are differen't, the same rules don't apply.


I don't even know why you posted this?


Men and women aren't that different, and the rules these boys are using are just going to make them very lonely later on.

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I thought guys wanted it everynight! Why not have that with a commited relationship that way they know there are no "cooties".

But honestly being a woman myself...once the word "commited" or "i do" come into play we hibernate. I will be the first to admit it.

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The only possible reason I can think of for guys his age (27) expressing this is if their gf's are totally unattractive and the guys simply don't want to be intimate with them...that I have seen several times before. If they're hot and attractive, forget it...screw city.

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I don't even know why you posted this?


Men and women aren't that different, and the rules these boys are using are just going to make them very lonely later on.


Actually men and women ARE very different. The differance is what makes us what we are and makes like interesting. Why did I post that?, well I was giving an analogy. Men don't get stick for sleeping around as it's just men, women dont' get stick for alot of stuff men do, that's just how it seems to crumble. Am I complaining, no

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