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Have they a right to be angry?


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Well my family were supposed to go out for dinner tonight, my dad, mom, brother and myself. Now I didn't want to go, I hate family dinners or gatherings of any kind. I was in work all day and I got talking to some co workers after work and pretty much lost track of time.


Now here's the thing, I got held up earlier in the day and knew I'd be somewhat late so I called the house to tell them not to wait but my dad and brother reckoned I was just trying to get out of going and made a laugh out of me. I wasn't in the mood for it nor had I time to listen so I said "whatever, see you later" and hung up.


I finally got home at 7:15 pm and I was exausted. I found them in the kitchen eating take out and they all (even my brother) gave me the cold shoulder, telling me that I dilebritly didn't come home. Now I could have come home but I was in no hurry and I had tryed to call them but they would n't listen to me.


Now I'm in no mood right now to work things out with them but I think that I've done nothing wrong, maybe I could have been more clear when I caled but I was busy and I'd better things to do.



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Well I know how ya feel. When you get in an argument with somebody you really don't feel like talking to them or about the situation. But you sorta did deliberately stay out. But that's your choice and shouldn't affect them. Just tell them (when you've cooled off a bit ) that you didn't feel like going out and something stupid like that shouldn't be held against you.

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What if your family had better things to do than to hang out with you? how would that make you feel? I think your family has every right to be hurt and they are only expressing that hurt with anger towards you. Believe it or not, they wanted you at that family dinner. And for you not to show up was really selfish on your part! Your family is not going to be around forever and it's these family dinners that you will remember most!


Be the bigger person and apologize for hurting their feelings. Since they seem to be a bit immature, they may not be all hugs and kisses and it may bring out their feelings of hurt again. Just take it, you let them down.

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the more of a fuss you make about it this time... the more of a fuss they'll make about you not wanting to join them sometime down the road. i know you don't think you did anything wrong, they should have been more understanding... but there is really no avoiding the situation because there will always be a next time with family. just try to see them eye-to-eye, they want you around which is kind... you don't want to be around for your own reasons. so either get good at making up valid-sounding excuses, give in and start and enjoy the family time, or talk it out.

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It sounds to me like they have a right to be hurt, they where waiting for you. I would be annoyed to, you must not have been as clear as they needed you to be. If you don't like family functions and meals why don't you move out? You are 21, maybe it would be easier to be around them sometimes if you where not around them ALL the time.

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Oh I'm not saying I was right but the way they reacted was to treat me like they always do and all gang up on me. I'm used to it but what really get's to me is that my dad recently broke his arm and I went out of my way to help him. When he cam home from hospital I was waiting to help me and make him dinner while my brother was our getting drunk, nothing was said to him.

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There may come a time in your life when you really need your family to be there for you. If you haven't been there for them when they needed you - you may find yourself alone.


Being a member of a family sometimes doing things that would rather not.

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There may come a time in your life when you really need your family to be there for you. If you haven't been there for them when they needed you - you may find yourself alone.


Being a member of a family sometimes doing things that would rather not.



I am there for them. When Dad broke his arm I offered half my pay check in case mom was short of money, when he needed to go to the doctor, I took time off to take him. I also bring my grandmother shopping and every day I asked him how his arm was and if I could do anything. That;s what has me to pissed

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they are right and you are wrong.

You didnt get held up. You choose to be held up.

If there was a million dollars at hime that you had to collect by 6pm you would have made a better effort.

They were waiting for you and you basically indicated that they ar not important to you.

You are living under their roof so let me ask you, "who is feeling taken for granted"?? You or them??


In all the message you sent.. "you guys are not important to me"

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