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What book are you currently reading?


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I recently read Inifinity + One. I couldn't get into it at first, then gave it a second shot a month later and am so glad I did.


I also ready Barely Breathing.


Now I'm reading Overeater's Anonymous.


I have so many unread books on my Kindle, and others in my wishlist, I'll have to read a book every day in my retirement LOL.


Have you tried the Kindle Unlimited Free Trial?


If not...I'm sorry or you're welcome, depending on how it goes.

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I'm reading The 5th Wave. The author's name escapes my mind at the moment. I tried to read the Divergent series, but I couldn't take it after the first book. It just dragged.

I also read Me, Earl and the Dying Girl. It was very good.

5th Wave is freakin awesome. Divergent gets better in the second... But the third crashes hard.

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No, I haven't. I can't read as much right now because I'm in school. I only had a week break from summer to fall. But after fall I should have a few weeks, so may be something to look forward to!


My Kindle is PURE EVIL. Bad Bad Bad. LOL


I downloaded the second book in the Breathing series as my Amazon Prime book for the month. Hopefully I can start reading it Wednesday (I have homework due tonight for my online class and class tomorrow is my regular class).


The author is Rebecca Donovan. I really enjoyed the first book "Reason to Breathe (The Breathing Series Book 1)".




Have you tried the Kindle Unlimited Free Trial?


If not...I'm sorry or you're welcome, depending on how it goes.

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I just read The Giver by Lois Lowry and really liked it. Want to get the whole series.


Has anyone read Digital Fortress by Dan Brown? Just started reading it yesterday and I'm a bit disappointed. I feel like he's babysitting me and repeating stuff a lot, and the main character is badly written IMO.


Just picked up the entire Chronicles of Narnia at Goodwill for $0.99. Yeeeeahh!

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I just bought some Stephen King books. But I got the ones on sale for my Kindle. I got The Shining and November 1963 or something like that I think it's 11-22-63?


However, I need a break from fiction so started reading Tiny Buddha's Guide to Loving Yourself 40 Ways to Transform. I love her website and receive her weekly emails. I just love the articles.


Not sure what I'll read next.

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I just bought some Stephen King books. But I got the ones on sale for my Kindle. I got The Shining and November 1963 or something like that I think it's 11-22-63?



I really liked the one that you're referring to. It's a twist on the JFK assassination. Not quite as gruesome as his normal books, I didn't think.

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Not sure why I never joined this thread!! I always have like 2 or 3 books going--some I go through slowly b/c it'll be one left in my car and read only when I have a long line to stand in or something or one in my desk at work and I'll read it when I feel like isolating! But here's what I've got right now.


Slowly moving through:

The Solomon Sisters Wise Up by Melissa Senate


At work:

My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares


Nightstand (so flying through!):

Room by Emma Donaghue


Not sure yet how I'm feeling about Room--it's told from the perspective of a 5-year-old boy who has never left the room he was born in b/c his mother has been held captive there for 7 years (think something like the Kaycee Duggard story but fictionalized). It's a bit distracting reading th way a 5-year-old would talk but the story is appealing nonetheless.


My Name is Memory is boring me. I usually like her books but it's so so slow...not really feeling it.


Haven't really gotten far into the Solomon Sisters Wise Up b/c I haven't had much of a chance to read it but I may this weekend.

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