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Hmm. I always preferred the Mayfairs to the vampires. Which is saying something, because I love most things vampire-related.


Wolf Gift is about werewolves.



I love Anne Rice's vampires. Well, vampires in general, mostly. Lol. My nickname in high school, as my former English teacher called me, was the brat princess, lol. She was the one who introduced me to Anne Rice. And yes, she has a special nickname too that I call her by: spawn of the devil.


If you think those nicknames were spoken in privacy.... Nope, said out loud in class to each other. I still have her as a friend on Facebook, actually.


Anyway, if you're wondering, the new book Anne Rice is writing that's bringing back Lestat is... Prince Lestat. Heart. I still remember the first line in The Vampire Lestat: If you haven't met me before, I want this to be love at first sight.. Ooh la la. Haha.

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I love Anne Rice's vampires. Well, vampires in general, mostly. Lol. My nickname in high school, as my former English teacher called me, was the brat princess, lol. She was the one who introduced me to Anne Rice. And yes, she has a special nickname too that I call her by: spawn of the devil.


If you think those nicknames were spoken in privacy.... Nope, said out loud in class to each other. I still have her as a friend on Facebook, actually.


Anyway, if you're wondering, the new book Anne Rice is writing that's bringing back Lestat is... Prince Lestat. Heart. I still remember the first line in The Vampire Lestat: If you haven't met me before, I want this to be love at first sight.. Ooh la la. Haha.


Lol, I discovered her vampire novels in highschool too, after watching Interview with the Vampire. The Vampire Lestat was my favorite of all the series, honestly I think it was the best written of all of the books, I think I read it 50 times, lol. I read some of her other (non-vampire) books, but I always came back to Lestat. I haven't read anything by her since highschool, but I'm excited that she is writing a new book with him and I will buy it! I should re-read Lestat too.

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I bought "12 Years a Slave" but I didn't get very far because it seemed really, really dry. Does it get better as it gets into the story? Because I was falling asleep in the beginning. I understand it's a true story but I figured watching the movie (and getting to stare at Fassbender) would suffice.


I'm only halfway through so I don't really know. From the reviews I've read a lot of people found it dry, but considering the subject matter how could it not be? I myself am definitely taking my sweet time trying to get through it because it can be dry parts but also It saddens me because it makes me think of such a horrible, unjust time.




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One word: WOW. I prefer sci-FI/fantasy genres, but this book is worth everyone's chance.



What's it about?


I don't even know what genre I prefer, lol. I like them all. Historical, poetry, social issues, cop murder mysteries, suspense/thrillers, horror, fantasy, sci-fi... List goes on.


I wonder if anyone ever heard of Piers Anthony? Fantasy genre. Love it. His books are so punny.

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Reading the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, the fourth Wheel of Time book (which is incidentally the longest. ugh), Blood Meridian, and maaaaybe one day I'll actual start reading Les Miserables.


Let me know how Immortal life...Henrietta is, I bought it months ago, but haven't read it yet.


You should read Les Mis, my god it's so good! I backed-out of my plans tonight so that I could sit and read it, lol

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What's it about?


I don't even know what genre I prefer, lol. I like them all. Historical, poetry, social issues, cop murder mysteries, suspense/thrillers, horror, fantasy, sci-fi... List goes on.

I'm so happy you asked! If you like reading about social issues, then this novel is right up your alley.


Without spoiling it... It's about a 16 year old girl who is a cancer patient and her parents place her in a support group. While attending the group, she meets and falls in love with a young man (17) who is an ex basketball with an amputation. It is kind of "chick flicky" but the writing is extraordinary!


A couple high school students I've taught this year have got me into reading the book (just like they have with Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices and The Hunger Games). I am very surprised how far I am into it since I am not a fan of romance genres.


There is a movie coming out based on the book this year and it looks very promising:


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Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper by Patricia Cornwell is a pretty interesting read about Jack, too. I've read a few different books about the cases, each presents different theories. They are all a bit creepy!


I really liked this one. I had read in reviews that it was kind of the most comprehensive one, but it's the only Ripper book I've read. If you've never read Helter Skelter, that's probably the creepiest. Charles Manson is like 5-2. They found him hiding under a bathroom sink.


Today I began a book about my government's drone program and covert warfare:

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Let me know how Immortal life...Henrietta is, I bought it months ago, but haven't read it yet.


You should read Les Mis, my god it's so good! I backed-out of my plans tonight so that I could sit and read it, lol


It's infuriating.


I've been reading a lot of books from the perspective of black narrators during segregation. But, I'm still so surprised when I read anything about it. The medical community failed this woman and should be ashamed. Not only did they take cells without her permission, they did not tell her the radiation therapy would leave her unable to have children, nor did they protect her medical information. She was treated like an animal by John Hopkins.

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Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. I have already read it but I've been getting into audio books and the man reading this has the most perfect voice to narrate Stephenson's wry, noir-ish, wandering salad of silliness he calls a book.

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