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Lilly, the Victorians tried to pretend there was a need for lavatories. So weird.


A big breakthrough for a lot of the Bohemians was tinned food such as baked beans. They didn't usually live on much food - partly because they were poor and largely because most of them had come from the middle and upper classes and didn't know how to cook because they had grown up with servants. I think they were very brave to turn their backs on that for the sake of being true to themselves.


Oh and women had hair often to their knees and wore ridiculously impractical and uncomfortable clothing. Then they started chopping it all off, wearing pants and some of them smoked cigars and rode motorbikes!!! Very radical for the times.

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I haven't read a book in years as I usually read things online. But I'm reading 'Hoping for a Home' by Janie Ritson.


Its basically Mini stories of a women who works in the RSPCA rescuing animals. She has many extraordinary stories. Some are quite morbid at first because it is about how an animal is neglected or abused but then it turns into a lovely story where a animal gets a second chance and a loving home. Defiantly a book for animal lovers.

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Killing Lincoln/Bill O'Reilly. Interesting and captivating at first but then it lost me, can't seem to power up for the last chapters. Learned a bit about the Civil War and its historical insights though. I liked that much.

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Finished all five books of the Mortal Instrument series and really enjoyed them. Books 4 and 5 were the best. It gets really adult by the 5th book.


Working on the first Prequel series of MI now... the third one was just released this Tuesday.

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I'm reading Wool - by Hugh Howey


Amazing series of books. It's set in a silo built underground in a post apocalyptic earth. One of the best books I've read in a LONG time.


Basically there are loads of levels of the silo. The only way to get to them is stairs. Each level does different things like there is a farming level, IT level, mechanics level. The more important people live nearer the top. ALSO there are screens on the top level that show the outside world which is all barren and horrible. Every so often they send a person out in what's called 'The Cleaning' and the person has to go out and clean the sensors that project the pictures onto the screens. They always die in the process as earth is full of toxins etc now. One of the biggest mysteries is WHY do they clean these sensors when they have been sent out to die?


This isn't even giving ANYTHING away at all. There are 8 books in the main Wool series then 3 more prequel books in the 'Shift' 'Wool' series.

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I've read up to book 3 of the mortal instruments. I must read the other two! I didn't realise there WERE two more.

The fourth and 5th books were the BEST of the series. They get pretty sexual that I honestly can't recommend it to my middle school students (older high school students at best). The 6th and last book comes out next year in March.


If you love Harry Potter... get into the series. The author was also a Harry Potter Fan Fiction writer who focused on writing about Draco (hence why Jace is so much like him). Draco was always my favorite... which is why I love this series


If you LOVE the Mortal Instruments series, definitely get on the prequel trilogy, Infernal Devices (Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, and Clockwork Princess). A lot of people have been saying that the prequel are 10x better than Mortal Instruments.... but I can't say much about it yet. Haven't finished half of the first book, but the character development is so much better.

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I just finished reading Admission, the one based on the movie with Tina Fey. It was alright. I saw it in Wal-Mart for $16, but I thought "nope", and then I found it for $3 for my Kobo E-Reader. I'm kinda glad I didn't pay $16 for it.. it was only okay. It was good enough for me to finish in two days though lol.

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The Dark Tower, Book 3 by Stephen King.




I've been reading Stephen King since I was a young teenager, but only recently got into the Dark Tower books. They are fantastic. Stephen King is the only writer who actually gets me so lost in his stories that it takes me a while to 'disengage' from the world of the book. I feel as if I am living in the Dark Tower books right now, as if I am on the same journey as the characters of the story.

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