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What book are you currently reading?


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Just finished I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and The Princess Bride. Both were really good books that I ended up teaching them with at-risk students. A lot of them got sucked in!


My Novel Recommendations

  • Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier (Celtic fantasy, love story... she is writing her fifth book at the moment)
  • The Art of War by Sun Tzu (mind blowing philosophical book)
  • Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause (Werewolves)
  • Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice (A really good vampire novel... cannot stand Twilight)
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston
  • Ender's Game and Speaker of the Dead by Orson Scott Card
  • Kare Kano by Masami Tsuda (It is Japanese Manga, but is the best story ever told for a manga series. Deals with adolescence issues such as domestic violence, social cliques, social pressure, and teen pregnancy while growing up in high school.)
  • "Macbeth" and "A Merchant in Venice" by Shakespeare
  • link removed by Agota Kristof (A Japanese video game developer was so inspired by this novel that he created a game based off of it. A great World War II fiction novel)
  • Indian Killer by Sherman Alexis (an interesting perspective about Native Americans dealing with racism in society)
  • Fool's Crow by James Welch
  • Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson (court murder mystery involving Japanese Canadians during WWII)


A book I'm reading now is link removed

It is absolutely mind blowing and I recommend everyone to read it. It's a very good insight of what Islamic women face.

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Feel free to laugh, but Twilight.


I've been hearing practically nothing else lately but about this book series, and I finally broke down and got the first and second book out of the library. I'm about 14 pages into the first book, and it's okay; she has a normal writing style, and it's not spectacular, but it's interesting.


Doesn't compare to Harry Potter yet, though. Those books I've read over and over again, even though I'm an adult. They're so addicting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Covert Persuasion.......This would be the third book on this subject I have read, and so far it is the best one.


The other two are........


Bargain for advantage(It's a really broad book that didn't seem to give insight into a person) But it does seem to cover the basics better than any other book.


No: The Only Negotiating System You Need for Work and Home


No----> is a very long book with little insights, but insights are there, so I liked it. Bargain for advantage just didn't seem to have a human side to it.



All these books are very business oriented, and while they say that they can be used for both, it just isn't as usablbe in a relationship as they make it out to be.

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Oh my gosh, that book requires about five boxes of Kleenex.


Yep! I've only read half so far, been far too tired to read properly lately! Need to sort my sleep pattern out I think haha. It's good so far though!

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