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Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins. I find it really inspiring and it covers an immense amount of ground. Not sure how I'll feel about it's real usefulness yet tho. Anyone have experience with this one? It's a bestseller I hear so I assume some people here have probly read it and used it.

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i'm reading Shakespeare at the moment, I never got to read him in school and I figured it was about time I did. I have read a few of his poems already and loved them! I'm going to start on one of his plays soon if I can figure out what he is actually saying!

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Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Middle English Literature by Christopher Cannon

The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson


About to start:

The Beautiful Mrs. Seideman


Just finished:

And Other Stories

Shantung Compound

Hero of our Time by Mikhail Lermentov


English majors... sheesh.

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I have read so many self-help books and most of them were good. But I must say that when you read books for the purposes of Transformation, then content alone is not sufficient. What I mean is that the way the content penetrates you is far more important than just the ideas that are presented. The kind of words that penetrate you as you read them...


I found such a book recently and I am in love with it. It is called "Know Yourself - The Truth Will Set You Free" by Shahreen Kamaluddin. This book has been reviewed by huge guys like Deepak Chopra and Mark Victor Hansen and I can see why. The author writes in such a way as you feel she is talking to you. You feel comforted and lifted at the same time. The chapters cover a wide range and the wisdom goes quite deep while being easy to understand. I really recommend it to anyone who is truly interested in transformation.


I am not sure if it is available in hard copy but I downloaded the e-book. If you are interested, you can search for it on google by typing in knowyourselfbook


Happy reading!

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How To Leave Hialeah - Jennine Capo Crucet


Just to give you a little background... Hialeah is a city just outside of Miami. It has the highest concentrated population of Hispanics (mostly Cuban) in South Florida. The author is Cuban and to really enjoy the book, you would have to either be Cuban yourself, or have a general understanding of Cuban culture. (24 Hour Funerals, Family gatherings over a roast pork, etc.) A lot of humor in it and feels a lot like the stories you hear daily from Cuban relatives. As you can imagine, there is an extensive waiting list at all libraries for this book and I have yet to see it In Stock at bookstores.

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