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'fragile' looking....


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does anyoen else on this forum/site have this label attached to them: 'FRAGILE'. it seems alot of people make this general assumption when they look at me, because im petite and small. i cant make out if its a good or bad thing. but does anyone esle here ever met/had this kind of label? is it offputting?

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I'm very small (think "Kylie") but no, I have never been referred to as being "fragile"..


I tend to get fiesty, or sassy... although sometimes I get compared to a "little china doll" and that can get on my nerves a bit!


Are you saying these people are referring to your body shape, or your disposition?

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I wouldn't say it's a good or bad thing, just a personal preference for guys. Some guys say they like women with more meat and curves, while other guys like petite girls like yourself. As far as the term fragile goes - same thing, it can be good or bad but it just depends on preference. I've heard guys say that they'd be worried they'd easily break a girl who was small and petite, so they view it negatively. On the other hand, other guys including myself find small girls very cute and beautiful. It's kind of a masculine thing...I can better visualize holding a smaller girl in my arms and keeping her safe, comfortable, and loved. Because I'm pretty tall and muscular, it attracts me that someone so much smaller than me physically can potentially have such a strong impact on my emotions, and I can potentially do the same for her.


So no, it's not offputting. It's just a preference.

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does anyoen else on this forum/site have this label attached to them: 'FRAGILE'. it seems alot of people make this general assumption when they look at me, because im petite and small. i cant make out if its a good or bad thing. but does anyone esle here ever met/had this kind of label? is it offputting?


I used to have that problem. I became an athlete then and got butch and buff but am still small and young looking even now, i walk into a shop and the owner says ''can i help you pet?''


It can be v annoying particularly if it deprives you from doing something you know you can do!

Always be yourself. To those that truly know you, your true image will shine through! xxx

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its all in how you carry yourself. i am 5'1'' and no one has ever called me 'fragile' physically i dont present myself that way.

now i have seen girls my height and taller who are very thin and fine boned, and i think they are going to break in half if they pick up a route 44 at sonic... but it doesnt help matters if their physical expressions are similar to handling eggs all day and walking on them as well.

some men find this cute or whatnot though..

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post a pic so we can judge for ourselves. Ill be honest. yall know me.



haha its not that im insecure about the way i look; (not to mention that the way we judge people is entirely subjective) its just a label which i wanted others opinions on what it meant etc. carmine's answer was the most helpful though, but thanks heaps for all your other replies too

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Some girls just look fragile. Look at Ashley Olsen and Mary Kate, they look so fragile but then look at Eva Longoria who is also short and petite and doesn't look fragile at all.

A lot has to do with how you carry yourself and what you act/dress like.

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