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Kegel Exercises


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Hey all


Recently, I've been seeing information on certain exercises called Kegels. Apparently, by strengthening these muscels, one can greatly improve sexual performance?


Women are ofte instructed to do such exercises in pregnancy, but men are also able to do similar workouts. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with such, and if these make much difference? Also, how would one go about exercising these muscels?


Many thanks.

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Kegels for a male help stengthen the PC (pelvic contraction) muscles I believe, the muscle that contracts when a male ejaculates, or stops urinating mid flow. By strengthening it, men can apparently learn to 'control' their ejaculation. Just wondered if anyone has experience with it, sounds interesting...

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Kegels for a male help stengthen the PC (pelvic contraction) muscles I believe, the muscle that contracts when a male ejaculates, or stops urinating mid flow. By strengthening it, men can apparently learn to 'control' their ejaculation. Just wondered if anyone has experience with it, sounds interesting...


Ok..makes more sense now. Yes, I think i have heard of that.


Just don't do it when you actually have to urinate. Just like for a female when you stop the urine flow and hold it you risk chance of a UTI even tho a male doesn't get them as easy as a woman might.


I have heard guys who will stop intercourse or masterbation just before orgasm to train themselves to last longer. Might not be what you mean but i know some guys do that.

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They once had a program here (late at night of course) where a doctor and psychologist got together to improve couples' sex lives. I only saw one episode where one gentleman had problems with premature ejaculation. He would perform kegel exercises everyday, and eventually he was able to 'weighlift' a towel when erect. In the end, he went from being able to hold on for only 5mins to being able to go 1hr. Don't remember how long he did this for but I'm guessing a month.


Kegel exercises also come into tantric sex, but that's a whole other kettle of fish Overall for men it does seem that it could help with performance in terms of being able to go longer.


Kegel exercises were initially 'invented' for women to help with the changes women go through at the late stages of pregnancy. You do these exercises by contracting and releasing your pelvic floor muscles - basically what you do when you try to stop yourself from weeing.


Edit: When I said towel I mean like a hand towel, not bath towel, but who knows, if you do it for long enough!

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Posted this in another thread on the subject, will repost rather than dig it up.


Kegels do work for men to increase control. I hate doing them though.


By accident, I found what may be another method. At my gym they have hip adduction and abduction machines where you move the weight with your knees, either forcing it out of moving it in. Many women do these to firm their inner and outer thighs, but I see few men using the machines.


Anyhow, I added these machines to my workout routine some time ago. After a few weeks of using them, I realized that I had gotten very good at controlling ejaculations, almost perfect control, and didn't know why. One day while using the machines, I noticed that lots of muscle groups in my groin region were being worked indirectly by the exercises. I think this is why my control got so good. If you are a member of a gym with these machines, worth a try, and there are other benefits to the exercises as well.


I can't do any bath towel tricks, but unless I'm ill or very tired or drunk, never have any ejaculation problems, and can come when I want to. Hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've done these exercies since I was 20 off and on. I used to do them every workday for several months at a time. They make your orgasms more intense and make you 'shoot' for distance at the end. I'm not sure if it helped me last longer, but I used to do tantric regularly as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kegels for a male help stengthen the PC (pelvic contraction) muscles I believe, the muscle that contracts when a male ejaculates, or stops urinating mid flow. By strengthening it, men can apparently learn to 'control' their ejaculation. Just wondered if anyone has experience with it, sounds interesting...


pc stands for pubococcygeus, ask me anything and I probably know it...

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Kegels for a male help stengthen the PC (pelvic contraction) muscles I believe, the muscle that contracts when a male ejaculates, or stops urinating mid flow. By strengthening it, men can apparently learn to 'control' their ejaculation. Just wondered if anyone has experience with it, sounds interesting...


pc stands for pubococcygeus, ask me anything and I probably know it...

Email to MWag58@hotmail.coim

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  • 5 months later...

i am a guy and i do kegel contractions and i also use a kegelmale trainer. i would never have believed it or even tried it if i had not become friends with the guy who invented it. i tried the trainer that i got from him about 3-4 months after i got it and my life has changed in so many amazing ways. i even put up a website to share what i am experiencing link removed


as for the towel trick that you speak of. how much does that towel weigh. the kegelmale trainer aka studtrainer comes with 4 2.5 oz balls and the weight is suspended from a spring that disperses the weight and causes the exercise to target the PC muscle as well as muscles in the penis itself. this has caused significant growth in my experience and the other positive affects are amazing. email me or check out my site if you want to know more.



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  • 1 year later...

For general sexual health, your size, and pc muscle development - kegels for men are a real plus. My most beneficial benefit has been in my size. It’s a bit astounding (LOL) but I am more than happy. Guys if you aint doing male kegels I would really suggest you start.


Having said that they arent fully useful unless you are able to use it to dealy ejaculation. I think this is one of the most important facets of male kegels. I havent mastered it yet but I am able to delay longer/stop myself when i want to.


The only downer is that I have pearly penile papules which are horrible things and have ruined my life somewhat. I talk about my personal experiences with male kegels and pearly penile papules at my site. If anyone just wants to read my experience you are more than welcome to. I’m sure what I have here can benefit others and I keep it up to date. Its just an account of what I am going through right now - what works and what doesnt. Its at link removed for anyone interested.

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