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age old Q... should a girl call after 1st date?


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It depends on what type of guy you want. Do you want a guy who is turned off by a girl taking the initiative. Then don't call. If not, go ahead and call and delete him after 24 hours.


good luck.

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It depends on what type of guy you want. Do you want a guy who is turned off by a girl taking the initiative. Then don't call. If not, go ahead and call and delete him after 24 hours.


good luck.


It's not about being turned off by taking the initiative, it's about being turned off when you don't show interest in staying in touch as happened here, and the other person doesn't take the hint, especially when 10 days have gone by with no contact.

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I had one girl that called me the day after we exchanged numbers. We talked for a while...it seemed fun and all, and I didn't have anything better to do. Eventually I said I had to go and set a time and place for a date. This is how it unfolded:


Girl: But I just wanted to talk!!!

Me: Uh...we were talking, for almost an hour, and I really enjoyed it, but I've gotta go now. I do want to see you again though! Can you make that time?

Girl: I don't know, I kinda just like talking...

Me: Um, ok? We can talk more in person, you know...

Girl: Hrmmm...

Me: Just tell me if you can make that date or not, or tell me a time when you're available.

Girl: Hrmmm...

Me: Hello?

Girl: Hrmmm...

Me: Uh, ok...bye.


So apparently she just wanted a phone boyfriend. Go figure...some girls are so confusing.

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Thank you all for taking time out to reply to my post. I appreciate that. Some of you have brought up points I never thought about. Unfortunately I already closed the match. Yes, I can reopen it but I think I'm just going to learn from this lesson and I hope that I won't repeat the mistake.

thank you again.

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