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'Happy Everything'


I'd love to wish you,

'happy everything',

I want to kiss you,

'bless everything'


I need to sing,

'Happy everything'

I want to shout,

'Happy everything', to you


The sun is out,

bright blue is the sky.

nothing out of place, were all gonna try

'Happy everything'


People sing.......'Happy everything'

The priest chant..'Happy everything'

The kids cry........'Happy everything'

Everyone wants..'Happy everything'


Everything is happy,

we are all so glad.

Everything is happy,

please don't be so sad.



Go ahead and make me sad

It’s okay if it makes you happy

Rip my heart out and stomp on it

It’s okay if it makes you happy


Pour salt inside these wounds

I’ll lick them clean if it makes you happy

Corrode my heart like an ancient ruin

I’ll live there forever if it makes you happy


I don’t care if it makes you happy

I don’t care if it makes you happy

I don’t care about myself just as long

As you’re always happy

I’ll survive all of this

As long as I know you’re always happy

Whatever makes you happy!

Whatever makes you happy!


Burn the photographs; forget about me

I’ll forget about me too, if it makes you happy

I’m so sorry if I ever hurt you

Baby you’re the only thing that makes me happy


I miss the dimple upon your chin

I just miss, being happy

I’m sorry for anything I’ve done

And I’m sorry I can’t make you happy

I just wish I could make you happy






I'm Only Happy When


I'm only happy when it rains

without a cloud in the sky

I'm only happy in these chains

all that I can do is cry

I'm only happy when I bleed

it let's me know I'm alive

I'm only happy when I need

just myself to survive

I'm only happy when I dream

of my long lost love

I'm only happy when I scream

at the Heavens above

I'm only happy when I'm alone

at war with my brain

I'm only happy when I've known

that life is just pain

I'm only happy when I'm lost

and I can't find my way

I'm only happy when I've crossed

the path of disarray

I'm only happy when I see

death is my way out

I know I'll be free

I have no doubt

I'm only happy when I'm told

that I've gone insane

I'm only happy when I hold

all these thoughts in my brain

I'm only happy when I sleep

and go out of my mind

I'm only happy when I'm in too deep

I'm only happy when it's me you cannot find

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to love


acquired tastes

define prospective pallets


arise from the same

undefinable state

as our individual talents

these hidden ways

that silently change

everythings definition

shifted my gaze

to your unique range

intertwining us in station

previously ignored

pieces of me

only recently discovered

are just the right shape

size and place

to complement you only


you have what I need

but mysteriously

never knew to be missing


Is that you who tried to make me happy?

You always tried to make me happy

You tried to do better to make me happy



I know you felt bad for me

You don't want to see me look down

You hate to see me look sad

It was you who made me sad


You wish You could try to make me think positive,

Maybe you are trying to make me happy

now i understand you tried to make me feel happy

As you might have guessed, I'm very happy

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more poetry


Happily Ever After

Do you believe in happily ever after?

A life filled with love, and plenty of laughter?

Do you believe that someday your prince will come?

Not knowing when or where he'll come from.

Do you believe in happily ever after?

Where two strangers meet and get married after.

Where all things seem perfect,

Doing whatever it took to get there was worth it.

Happily ever after only happens to few,

Usually to those who believe love is true.

Do you believe in happily ever after?

Is your day filled with love and laughter?

If you believe your prince is on his way,

Then the dreams of happily ever after will stay.

How long have you believed in this?

When did love bring you your first kiss?

If you haven't experienced this,

Don't worry nothing will be missed.


Without You

You're the only one keeping me alive,

You're the only one making me survive.

Without you I would most likely die,

Left to watch others laugh while I cry.

You're the only one who listens to me when I speak,

I feel so weak.

Without you I have no reason left to live.

I like you so much you'll never know for I could never tell,

Afraid of rejection, afraid to tell.

Just know that you're the only reason why I'm still here.

Copyright ©2003 Nicole K.



Happy Poems of Mine



When I see the look in your eyes I just want to cry,

For I know something is wrong but you won't tell me what it is.

I wish you'd tell me so I could try to make you feel better, make the pain go


I can't handle knowing the one I love is in pain and I wish things could

magically go away,

No matter what know that I'm here for you through good times and bad, at

your side I'll stay.




When I see the look in your eyes I just want to cry,

For I know something is wrong but you won't tell me what it is.

I wish you'd tell me so I could try to make you feel better, make the pain go


I can't handle knowing the one I love is in pain and I wish things could

magically go away,

No matter what know that I'm here for you through good times and bad, at

your side I'll stay.


When I see the look in your eyes I just want to cry,

For I know something is wrong but you won't tell me what it is.

I wish you'd tell me so I could try to make you feel better, make the pain go


I can't handle knowing the one I love is in pain and I wish things could

magically go away,

No matter what know that I'm here for you through good times and bad, at

your side I'll stay.

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