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Quick question.


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hey guys sorry i have one more quick question...it's been 22 days since i had sex and 20 days from me having sex that i took my pregnancy test (meaning i took my preg. test on the 20th) my period is due tommrow and i received a negative on my last test two days ago...By the time i took my last test do you think the results are accurate?

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yes it was the last day of my period he put it in for 5 seconds took out for 5-8 minutes then back in for another 10 seconds and pulled out so we used the pull out method and this was my first time doing it so i learned my lesson just need some advice i have knowhere else to go.

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yes it was the last day of my period he put it in for 5 seconds took out for 5-8 minutes then back in for another 10 seconds and pulled out so we used the pull out method and this was my first time doing it so i learned my lesson just need some advice i have knowhere else to go.



I see. Perhaps since you clearly don't want to get pregnant, having unprotected sex is not a good idea for the future.


Have you looked into different methods of birth control that might suit you?


And, have you both been tested for STIs before having unprotected sex? He doesn't need to cum to transmit an STI to you, and many have no outward symptoms but can be devastating to your sexual health and fertility.

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yeah i know i need birth control i'm not on it i'm just concerned and hoping i'm not pregnant.


Of course you are. But while you are waiting to test, it's a good time to start thinking about getting on a solid birth control so this type of situation won't happen again.


Have you both been tested for STI's?

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because i know my period isn't going to come tommrow i've been stressed out all month and it never comes right on the due date i just want to know if the results from my last one are most likely accurate because of the timing.


What do you mean your period never comes on its "due date"? Does that mean you have irregular cycles? If that's the case how do you know when it's "due" and why are you stressing now. Wait another week or so, take another test if you don't get your period and if you still want to be sure make an appointment with your doctor and have a blood test done.

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Well, i took a test yesterday which was one day after my missed period it came out negative took one 4 days before missed period (also 2 weeks and 4 days after having sex) came back negative but i still havent gotten my period my breasts are sore like always before my period and i'm bloated also which always happens before my period. I guess it's just alot of stress but still i hear people say alot of their tests are invalid sometimes meaning that my negative could really be a positive.

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Go to your local planned parenthood or health department and they offer free blood tests, the blood tests are extremely reliable and that will help your mind rest. I don't think you're pregnant I just think all of these things are coming from your stressing out. But just to ease your mind I would go take a free blood test.

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i cant tell my parents and knowone can drive me.


You can't tell your parents that you're possibly pregnant? Why? What's going to happen if infact you are or do get pregnant? Still going to say you can't tell them? There is no way knowing for sure unless you tell your parents or get someone to drive you.

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