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power of intention (believers..... or not)


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although i am here for a more positive response.. i am also ready for the negative response that i might get regarding this question.


ever since i met my soon to be ex-bf... i have always felt like he is going to be someone important in my life. like the one i will be with for a very long time. much like the idea of "the one" (i know some people like that term, thats why i said.. "the idea of the one").


but after several months, he doesnt believe that we have that kind of a future.. but most definitely feel like we are connected as best friends (no this is not a usual "male cop out response" he truly believes it).


the power of intention says that i should throw my intention out there in the world and "the world" will work its "powers" to make it happen. but i should be ready if it doesnt happen.


i still truly absolutely believe that he is "my idea of the one"... and this is why i am ready to let go.


too optimistic?

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I think people say things like that to justify whatever happens. In other words you can't control the outcome of the situation so you assume it was "meant to be" and that "he is the one".


I personally don't believe that if you throw your intention out in the world the world will work magic and powers will make it happen. I believe that people make it happen not the world and since you have no control over another person and given situations than its so easy to justify the outcome. Its great that your positive but make sure you stay optimistic if you and him work out or if you do not. There are millions of people out there... millions of chances to fall in love.

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the power of intention says that i should throw my intention out there in the world and "the world" will work its "powers" to make it happen. but i should be ready if it doesnt happen.


too optimistic?


I don't think you're being too optimistic. HOwever, I think it's important to make sure you really believe this " but i should be ready if it doesnt happen.". I do believe in the power of intention and positive thinking, but it may work out in ways you don't plan for - good ways, but different than you expect.

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It sounds like a bit of an excuse to be passive rather than to be proactive in your life. Even if your bf is sincere about wanting to be best friends, if he gets involved seriously with another lady, he will need to make her the priority and while he might still care for you he likely will have to change the way he interacts with you for the benefit of his partner.

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