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What's going on here? I'm confused...

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I'm going to try to make this as short as possible. My exbf and I broke up about a year ago. We are both in our late 30's. He's divorced once, I never married.


Anyway, I've had NO contact with him since January of this year. I just wanted to move on from our past. We have mutual friends. He kept on asking my friend about me. How I was doing, etc.


I ran into him at a party in April. He had been drinking. He kept on hugging me tightly... like he didn't want to let go. I told him that I had heard that he was asking about me through our friend. He told me that he still cares for me.


Last month, he and I were in our mutual friends wedding in Vegas. We ended up sharing a room together... and yes, sleeping together.


He's texted or emailed me everyday since, until two days ago... now... nothing. We haven't discussed what happened in Vegas or what it means if anything. I should be going to our mutual friend's softball game tonight (where the ex will be too) but I'm not.


WHAT'S GOING ON HERE??? Whatever advice, or whatever you can give me would be so helpful.


Thanks in advance!!

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We knew each other in HS.. Didn't date back then... We were together for 9 1/2 months. We broke up for several reasons. I felt like he wasn't over his wife leaving him, and I always felt like he put his friends before me.

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