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I have such a bad feeling about my flight =S HELP =(

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Hi to you all !!!


I read the previous topic from a girl had a bad feeling about her flight..so i decided to write one too,on the same subject.


I'm flying to Canada via Zürich with Swiss air in the end of June.

It will not be my first time in plane and it's not even the first time i make this route with the same airlines.


I'm so obsessed with this for the last couple of weeks..i have it all the time in mind,i'm checking forums and statistic about it..and i'm very very worried.


I don't know what could be the reason,if i fear the flight or the fact i will have to decide for a big change in my life after my arrival in Montreal.

Maybe it's just my sub conscience working,or maybe i should really follow my intuition and don't go in the plane..


Please let me know if any of you had a similar experience and if you have any advices.

Thank you in advance.

I will appreciate every correspondence on this matter.



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Don't worry about the future. You can't predict or change what is going to happen. Start thinking positively about why you are going to Canada, look at the flight as a means to get where you need to be and then don't think about it anymore.

Focus on the now and the things you can control and believe that everything will be ok...Trust that you will be fine...do it day by day minute by minute!

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Oi, enough of that! I'm flying to Montreal at the end of June as well, and if the plane crashes, I'll be blaming you now!


LOL, don't worry, it'll be fine. More people die every year putting their socks on than in plane crashes, so if you barefoot, you should make it.

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thanks for the replay.It made me smile =) especially this part : "Oi, enough of that! I'm flying to Montreal at the end of June as well, and if the plane crashes, I'll be blaming you now! "


R u flying to Mtl with Swissair too?

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You'll be fine! Air travel is actually quite safe. I travel a lot by air and always feel safe. In fact, I feel less safer crossing the road than I do flying! Take your favourite book with you or an mp3 player, your favourite pillow...anything that puts you at ease. Do you have plans of what you're going to do when you'll arrive in Canada? Planning will help to ease your nerves a lot if you know what you're doing.

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thanks for the replay.It made me smile =) especially this part : "Oi, enough of that! I'm flying to Montreal at the end of June as well, and if the plane crashes, I'll be blaming you now! "


R u flying to Mtl with Swissair too?


Actually, I'm going with Air Canada; I heard that Swissair planes tend to crash, so I avoided them.


J/k!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you there

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Actually, I'm going with Air Canada; I heard that Swissair planes tend to crash, so I avoided them.


J/k!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you there


OHH that was mean lol


repeat after me (say it 3X)

I will be fine

I will be fine

I will be fine

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Hahaha you cheered me up THANKS !


And yap the comment was mean lol but it made me laugh anyways


Hm...maybe i will take Air Canada too then j/k


Well,as you all said,i hope i will be fine.I will let you know how i will feel as the day will approach and send a post on my arrive in Mtl =)


BTW , karvala are you originally from Montreal?


Thanks again to all of you.I know it sounds silly but you made my day,it was the only thing put a smile on my face too.

I think i will read ur comment till the day i will go lol i'm sure they will keep me positive.



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You'll be fine! Its interesting how our minds can work, isn't it? We can be so nonchalant about what might be the most dangerous thing to do (driving a car), and somehow decide to freak out over an airline flight!


That said, I will be going to Haiti in 2 weeks and flying in god-knows-what kinda plane into the central highlands out of Port-au-Prince.


Should be interesting given that I have a fear of heights as well. So don't worry about yourself, worry about me!!!!

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And..i don't know if you ever been to Mtl before, but if you haven't,i think u will like it =)


No I haven't, but I'm certainly looking forward to it, so it's good to hear a positive comment.


And don't worry, your flight will be fine. You have a parachute, right? j/k!!!

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No I haven't, but I'm certainly looking forward to it, so it's good to hear a positive comment.


And don't worry, your flight will be fine. You have a parachute, right? j/k!!!

haha noup,i dont have,but i will put on my "to get" list haha

A million thanks,u really made me laugh today hihihi

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