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Okay so I am the dupee of this one... And she has already found a new guy she is "seeing" only for a week... From what she has told me they havent kissed or had sex for that matter...


I cant help but wonder about what they are doing and if she is truly happy... This is eating me up inside just thinking about it...


Im trying so hard to do NC... but it is turning out to be LC...


Is this normal to feel this... how can I overcome this...

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yes, it is normal to feel very intense emotions after your breakup...it's a long difficult process so just take extra care of yourself during this time. commit to NC. it will be worth it. i know you can't stop caring about your ex....not just yet anyway, but you have to let go and recognize that whether she is happy or not does not really matter anymore.

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Yes, it is completely normal to feel confused about the situation – after all, you’re dealing with loss, rejection and replacement all at the same time.


I know it’s hard, but it’s best NOT to contact her at all. Trust me; you do not want to know where she is going or what she is doing with this guy. It will only make things worse.


I would also tell you not to pick up or return any messages, texts or e-mails from her. Who cares whether she is happy – you owe her absolutely nothing. She made the decision to leave you – now she has to deal with the consequence of not having you in her life.

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Yes, it is completely normal to feel confused about the situation – after all, you’re dealing with loss, rejection and replacement all at the same time.


I know it’s hard, but it’s best NOT to contact her at all. Trust me; you do not want to know where she is going or what she is doing with this guy. It will only make things worse.


I would also tell you not to pick up or return any messages, texts or e-mails from her. Who cares whether she is happy – you owe her absolutely nothing. She made the decision to leave you – now she has to deal with the consequence of not having you in her life.


Do you think that not having me in her life... Might help her realize what we had...

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I just dont like not talking with her after seeing her and being around her everyday for the past 2 years...


but you are right she left me... so being somewhat selfish and taking myself out of her life as well might help her realize what we had though I am the one that mest things up in the beginning...

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Do you think that not having me in her life... Might help her realize what we had...


It may, it may not. It is hard not to cling to that hope. No contact isn't about making her miss you, it is so you can heal.


I was NC for 19 days & he messaged me, now I have all this hope & I know I shouldn't be thinking that way. This is a confusing time for you. Use this period to understand what it is you really want & the heal the pain a little.


Sorry you are going through this.

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It may, it may not. It is hard not to cling to that hope. No contact isn't about making her miss you, it is so you can heal.


I was NC for 19 days & he messaged me, now I have all this hope & I know I shouldn't be thinking that way. This is a confusing time for you. Use this period to understand what it is you really want & the heal the pain a little.


Sorry you are going through this.


Yeah i know it might or might not... and my main thing about NC is healing myself...


I have a feeling though and Im not sure why I do but I think that NC will in turn help her see what we had...


because I see her missing me more and more each time we see each other...


and its only been a couple days since i saw her last but when I did though she wont admit it I can tell her eyes say that I miss and love you...


She is only 18 and I think that time apart to see what else is out there is good for both of us... and if its meant to be it will happen...

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You’re doing a dangerous thing right now…speculating.


The only person who knows what she will do is her. You have absolutely no control over the situation. No contact is not designed to win back your ex – it is the practice of removing yourself from a painful situation to heal.


If your ex decides that she can’t live with out you in her life and comes back then so be it, but if she doesn’t, your heart will be healed and you can move on. You’d be better off right now to prepare yourself for the possibility that she may never come back.

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You’re doing a dangerous thing right now…speculating.


The only person who knows what she will do is her. You have absolutely no control over the situation. No contact is not designed to win back your ex – it is the practice of removing yourself from a painful situation to heal.


If your ex decides that she can’t live with out you in her life and comes back then so be it, but if she doesn’t, your heart will be healed and you can move on. You’d be better off right now to prepare yourself for the possibility that she may never come back.


Which is what I am doing... working on myself and if she comes back great if not then I know I have worked on myself and can find someone new

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